Chapter 42

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I couldn't keep my hands off April the whole journey home, my lips constantly attaching themselves on her lips and neck. "Luke." She chuckled in the taxi as the man looked at me through his mirror try and clamber on April.

"Sorry," I chuckled and retracted myself from her body. "Did you have a good night?"

"Yes, it was amazing."

"Well," I started. "As you didn't go all out," I joked. "You can repay me when we get home."

"Luke!" She laughed again as the driver continued to stare at my crude remarks.

"He's not invited to watch." I said. Her eyes rolled back and she laughed again, slightly laying into me as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

The taxi stopped and I payed and April and I got out, as she dug the keys out of her purse we walked up the stairs to the apartment door. I slightly smacked her bum and her body jolted but she let out a laugh along with it.

We walked inside and April rushed off to the bathroom, I went to the bedroom and pulled back the duvet, got into my boxers and lay under the sheets. April emerged a few moments later and took off her shoes and jacket before pulling her dress over her head. "Can you just come here now? You're driving me insane."

She chuckled and joined me in bed, her hair falling over the pillow as her lips pursed and she closed her eyes, a smile plastered on her face. I lent over her body and planted a long kiss to her lips, I felt her hand slide across my body up to the back of my neck as she pulled me in for the kiss to become stronger. I pulled away and she looked confused. "Happy one year, again."

Her smile grew again. "Happy one year," She said. "I love you."

"I love you baby." I replied.

Aprils hands slid off my neck and down my back, she slightly slid her body under mine and I rest my body on her. My hand rubbed her thigh slightly before kissing her once again, the kiss became heated and I couldn't handle myself inside, my hands grabbed the edges of her underwear and pulled them down slowly.

I then made my way back up and kissed her, her legs slightly wrapping around my waist as I pulled my boxers down. I positioned myself over her and her eyes closed. They then shot back open, "Condom!"

"Fuck." I sighed, "I didn't bring any."

"Fuck sake." She sighed. "Well, we could still do it, I can run down the hospital tomorrow and get the morning after pill?"

"Are you sure? All that for sex?" I laughed.

"Well if you don't want to, that's fine." She kid.

"No, no I do. I'm just so worried, we've never had this problem before."

"Well, if I go straight away in the morning down the hospital, it's all okay."

I nod and she joined her lips with mine again, my hands ran into her hair and lay tangled for a moment. My body positioned itself once again and she pushed her body into mine. "Shit." I slurred.


"It feels so much better."


"I can feel all of you." I groaned as I pushed myself in further and I felt a lump in my throat from my body tensing up. "Fuck." I dragged.

Her eyes closed and my hands grabbed her hair harshly in my fists and I thrusted harder and faster, her moans grew as did mine but mine were trapped in my throat from the pleasure I was experiencing...

• • • •

April lay above me fast asleep afterwards, her hair spread across my chest and her legs slightly dangling off the bed. Her lips slightly pursed and her skin slightly still hot, images of her body beneath me and her eyes closed and rolling into the back of her head as I pushed myself into her fast. The feeling off her was immense.

I stroked her hair slowly and I closed my eyes hoping I could drift off into a deep sleep, but I just couldn't. I couldn't phase the fact of April.

How her cheekbones tense when she's angry, how her eyes squint when she laughs, how her hair can still look good when she makes no effort at all, how she just so god damn beautiful and how she is mine.

She was honestly so perfect to me and I would do anything to make this next year count and keep her happy. I saw huge progress with her depression but I felt like she was close to a relapse for a reason which was unknown to me I just had the feeling sinking into my stomach.

"Are you awake? I can feel you thinking." April joked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm awake and weirdly thinking too."

"About what?" She asked.

"You actually."

"Oh yeah, what's the thoughts?"

"Just about you getting better."

"Oh." She hummed.

"You are getting better right?" I asked.

All was silent for a few moments. "April?"

"Time to sleep, Luke."

• • • •

So short and shit because I've hit writers block.

Please ALL comment and leave me a comment or an IDEA. If I see a good idea to get me going a long update will be up tomorrow/Friday!
New twitter (@shdjanoskians)

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