Chapter 23

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Beaus POV

I slightly opened Luke's bedroom door, sneaking in to collect my phone charger he was borrowing. I slowly walked through the room, I looked at the two sleeping bodies on the bed. Aprils shirt was slightly hoisted up on her back and Luke's hand was spread out on it, his leg was also thrown across her legs.

I slowly bent down to unplug the charger which was right beside Luke and you could hear the click as it came out.

I heard a hum and movement on the bed, I looked up and Luke's eyes were flickering open and shut and he was glaring at me sleepily. "What are you doing?"

"Getting my charger."

He sighed and nodded as I stood up, he turned back around and slung his body over Aprils who moved her head to face him, I watched them both and they slowly merged into each other's bodies and made little sounds, Luke's arm lightly wrapped around her and her fingers slowly pressed into his arm, the sight made me slightly jealous. Not because Luke being with April, just that they seem to be unbelievably oblivious to the world around them and they were just focused on being in each other's arms.

I slowly went back across the room and slowly snuck out, I made my way back downstairs to the living room where Daniel was with Alexa and Fie, who were still here and didn't seem to be leaving tonight. "Should we all start going to bed. Everyone else is asleep?" I said.

Fie nodded and stood up, as Alexa tilted her head. "Where does that girl sleep?" She asked.

"Who?" I said, acting dumb.

"Uhm..." She said clicking her fingers multiple times to think of her name.

"April?" Fie interjected.

"April, yeah. April." Alexa repeated. "Where does she sleep, seeing as the spare room seems to be empty and we stay in there."

My mouth opened to speak as I tried to act as if I was stupid. "She sleeps in Luke's room, and mine sometimes." I lied. "She shares with us all, she sleeps on a... Blow up bed, she can't sleep alone it's just something about her. She sleeps in Luke's mostly though as her stuffs in there."

"Do they like eachother?" She said her voice rushing out.

"No. Not like that." I lied again, I can't believe I had to lie for two loved up teens just to save their own asses. They deserve happiness. April deserves happiness. I knew that at some point we would all have to come to a conclusion on how and when we was going to tell the fans.

She nodded. "Oh, right."

We all stood around awkwardly after that before Fie left and Alexa rushed after her, I hit Daniel playfully in the arm. "Thanks for backup."

"Sorry, I honestly didn't have a clue on what the fuck to say." He said as I sighed, before pushing out a nod and a small smile.

• • • •

Around ten minutes later I made my way upstairs to go to bed and Alexa was scurrying down the hallway, she had just come from the bathroom.

"Night." I called as she didn't even reply, she just looked at me. I saw her rush towards Luke's door and grab the handle.

The quickness of my run to his door was crazy. It was a sense that overcome my body just to run and stop her from seeing how they really was behind closed doors. "He's sleeping."

"Well, I need to speak to him." She said. But I knew she wouldn't budge until she did, I raised my finger at her.

"Let me tell him you want him."

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