Chapter 11

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Luke's POV

April and I sat together watching the sunset rest down, the boys were messing around on the beach, April laughed at them as we watched. They had far too much to drink, but Beau hadn't as he needed to drive.

"I want to go home." I groaned as she looked at me.


"This is boring. Watching them all have fun, I'd much rather go home and watch a movie." I told her as she smiled.

Luckily the boys stumbled over and told us they were ready to go home. Beau twirled the car keys around his index finger as we made our way to the car.

As we drove, I linked my hand into Aprils and brushed my thumb along her knuckles, she watched as I did so.

The sunset could still be seen as the views pasted us, the beautiful colours radiating off caught my eyes.

I was very happy at this moment in time, nothing at all could put me down right now. I had the girl I loved back in my reach, in a country I was loving too.

We soon pulled up at the drive and parked. We all jumped out and rushed inside, April and I quickly made our way upstairs and into my room.

"So what's the plan tonight?" She asked me.

"I say, we have a bath, get into pyjamas and watch a film in bed." I replied.

"A bath? What like together?" She said looking at me funnily, she looked very nervous.

"Not naked, don't worry my love." I laughed.

She shrugged, slightly fiddling with her fingers. "Uh, I don't know, Luke."

I furrowed my face. "C'mon, you can go in a bikini, or wear one of those shirts over it if you want. You can get in the bath first, I won't look." I smirked. "Bubbles too, lots of them."

She slightly grinned at me, "Deal."

• • • •

Aprils POV

I sat in the bath Luke had prepared, I was wearing a bikini with a shirt over the top, I was so nervous because of the marks on my body so I hid my legs and arms under the piles of bubbles.

The door opened and Luke walked in, he was wearing plain boxers, he smiled at me before locking the door and climbing in with me.

Our legs touched but luckily he couldn't feel scars with his legs, that would be odd indeed. The scars where still quite visible and white, the cuts had faded down too but were still slightly see able.

He sighed and rested back, whereas I couldn't quite feel relaxed. "You know, instead of watching a film tonight, we could celebrate our first proper night back together." He grinned while his eyes were closed.

"Oh? How so?" I joked.

"Maybe I'll show you later." He mumbled.

He then shot back up his eyes wide open, he placed his hands on either side of my arms at the top. I slightly went stiff. "I'm so happy." He told me, a huge grin on his face as I plastered one on myself.

"Me too." I agreed.

His hands slowly travelled down my arms and into the water, I literally went blank and froze completely, his hands were now gliding above cuts and scars and I wasn't even too sure if he knew. Luke slid his fingers in between mine and held my hands underneath the warm water. "April? Are you alright? You've gone pale?"

"I- uhm, I just-" I fumbled with my words, I didn't know what to say, I had run out of excuses.

"You just what, April?"

"I uhm- nothing. No, nothing. There's nothing wrong." I said forcing a smile again.

He grinned and nodded, I thanked that I had gotten out of that one too, he slowly lent over the water rapidly moving slightly my way, I felt him let go of my hands and slide his body in-between my legs, he slowly lent down and kissed me, as he did I felt my arms raise from the water and hook them around his neck, not really thinking.

As we kissed I hoped I could get them back under quick enough after, I should he enjoying this kiss but I couldn't because I was overthinking.

He grumbled against my lips and broke out a smile, I felt him push me back more and his hands wandered on my back.

I quickly sunk my hands back under the water and hooked them around his hips, he kissed me again more before shifting back, he then lent back and sat back in his original place.

"It's sinking in more now," He grinned. "You know, that you're here."

"It's sinking in that I'm here." I agreed.

We after spoke endlessly about what we had been up to while we were away from eachother, my half being very boring compared to Luke's as he told me about his premieres, meeting new people, party's, the fans and more. While all interesting I had compelled in with was meeting a new friend and eating cheesecake almost every single morning.

• • • •

I was lucky after the bath, Luke had let me get dressed in the bathroom, he gave me his deep blue nike jumper to wear on top which was useful as it covered up my arms.

I used their hair dryer which made me laugh but Luke explained to me that it was Daniels and he likes to keep on top of his hair.

When I walked back into Luke's room he was already laying in bed, his body also covered with a jumper and a bar of chocolate and a bowl of crips on his stomach.

"Alright poppet." He said jokingly.

"I'm fine, thanks." I laughed and climbed in next to him, a film was just starting so I slid in next to him and fished my hand into the crips. Luke didn't look to happy about it but laughed and let me have most of them in the end.

We watched the film, Luke dozed on and off most of the time. It was a precious sight to witness, I mean it. If you ever get the chance to see Luke fall in and out of a sleep, take it. It's one of the most adorable and gentlest sights you could ever see.

I turned if off at the end, I took the bowl and chocolate off Luke's stomach and switched the switch.

I lay back down and turned away from Luke, closing my eyes. I felt him shuffle next to me, he lay down properly. I felt warmth engulf me as his arms wrapped around my waist and his breath trickle my skin.

"Mhm, you didn't think I would sleep without a goodnight kiss did you?" He said quietly.

I felt his lips meet my neck, softly and gently kissing the skin, before I twisted my body around.

I then felt his finger tips slightly dig into my hip, he lent forward brushing the other hand over my face, I couldn't see him, I couldn't make out his face, but I could feel him, something I needed.

His hand slid into my hair, my eyes closed as he moved forward, colliding our lips together I couldn't quite catch the moment, he slowly and gently kissed me, my hands soon rested on his arms, my finger tips grasping around them.

He lent back, "I fucking love you."

I waited for a moment, I savoured it quickly before whispering. "I love you so much."

Before he kissed me again and again and again. I knew deep down, I was absolutely, completely and utterly in love.

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