Forty-Five | Dazai-sensei.

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A/N - please don't press play on the song above just yet bbys

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A/N - please don't press play on the song above just yet bbys. I'll tell you when you should at some point in the middle of the chapter!

"Shooting? What? Why?" You were confused as Dazai jumped out of his chair and walked around the mahogany desk, making his way over to you. You didn't know why it was necessary for you to learn how to shoot a gun of all things.

"Because," Dazai began to explain. "Because we're soon going to be face to face with the Port Mafia, who, by the way, want you, and they will do anything in their power to get you. You need to learn how to defend yourself."

"But I can just use my ability?"

Dazai simply chuckled in response, shaking his head from side to side. "Oh no, darling. You need to learn how to shoot. Guns are like toys to people like the Port Mafia, they're obviously going to take advantage of them."

The idea of that scared you.


Dazai quickly pecked your lips, stopping you from finishing the rest of your sentence, before grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the office. Right now, you were more concerned about the two coffees sitting idly on the table; left untouched.

"Just trust me on this, [Y/N]." Dazai told you. There was no hint of playfulness in his tone, and that's when you realised, that he was being completely and utterly serious right now. "Let's go."

• • •

It didn't take very long before Dazai had dragged you outside—well, outside as in the back of the Armed Detective Agency building, which was really just a large, empty field that had a lot of potential to do many things with, but nobody ever really cared enough to. Honestly, if you could, you would definitely choose to spice up the place a little by adding a gazebo or something, maybe even a bouncy castle just for fun. You knew that Kenji would probably enjoy that.

You noticed how bright the sky was today; it seemed like it was much brighter than usual. It was one of those baby-blue skies, not the psychedelic candy-blue nor the washed out grey so characteristic of wintry mornings. The clouds were as puffs of radiant joy, ready to disperse into the wind, to travel the Earth. You watched them eddy, pure reflected rays dappling and swirling with the sky, until all that remained was that perfect baby-blue, the same hue as before, as if inviting those born of wing to ride warm thermal air heaven-bound.

Although, you weren't going to let the bright blue sky and blaring sun fool you today, because it was still extremely breezy outside. The air that had been so still on previous days had gained a slight movement, as if it had discovered its direction yet was content to meander at its own pace—it made you shiver, since you were wearing a short-sleeved dress that stopped just slightly above your knees, exposing most of your legs. You hugged yourself with your hands, rubbing your arms up and down in an attempt to create that friction of heat as the cold breeze left kisses on your bare skin.

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