Bonus Chapter | Getting Ready.

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You were sitting in front of your vanity mirror, adding a few finishing touches to your makeup whilst Dazai was straightening the back of your hair, the part that you could never usually reach

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You were sitting in front of your vanity mirror, adding a few finishing touches to your makeup whilst Dazai was straightening the back of your hair, the part that you could never usually reach. The two of you were currently getting ready to go to a charity gala event hosted by one of the President's closest friends, who had invited the entire agency to come along. Afterwards, Yosano had suggested that everyone should go to a fancy restaurant in celebration of your engagement since the food at charity events wasn't exactly...the most filling.

"There you go," Dazai smiled happily once he had finally straightened the back section of your hair to absolute perfection; every strand pin straight and shiny. You looked absolutely phenomenal tonight, and Dazai couldn't help but notice that you always did whenever you decided to dress up for a special occasion. You were naturally beautiful, that much was a given, and he adored you for it, but when you dressed up oh my God Dazai found himself falling in love with you all over again. He softly kissed your cheek, locking eyes with you in the mirror's reflection, and you beamed brightly as Dazai walked over to the area by your vanity, bent down and pulled the plug; making sure that your straightener was turned off before the two of you had departed because he did not want to come back to the agency building all burnt down due to a silly mistake.

That would not have gone down nicely, especially not with the other members.

The lipgloss glided smoothly on your lips, and you smacked your lips a few times at your reflection which indicated that you were finally done and perfectly satisfied with your appearance. You did look absolutely stunning. Your soft shoulders were exposed and your [H/L] [H/C] hair fell down your back like a lustrous waterfall. Your lips were glossy with a red tint and your [S/C] skin was flawless. Your beautiful [E/C] eyes shone like twin moons under the light. You wore a form fitting dress of lacy burgundy in accordance with Dazai's tie. You spun your entire body around with your bottom still glued to the chair, and watched as Dazai had admired himself in the full length mirror that had decorated the empty space on your wall. He looked exceptionally handsome this evening and it was a fact that you just couldn't even bring yourself to deny.

You slowly rose to your feet as you walked across the room to him. Dazai looked devastatingly striking; clad in an all black suit, and his usually messy brown curls were now styled to absolute perfection. He was going to break many maidens' hearts this evening without even trying to. He smiled at you as you immediately started adjusting his tie for him and he hummed softly in response. You proceeded to fix your own dress in the mirror one last time; liking the way that it had accentuated every curve, crevice and endearing detail of your body that you had no shame in showing off.

"You look beautiful," Dazai's smile was as bright as the golden glow of the evening sun setting behind the skyline. His brown eyes danced with pure admiration, and he couldn't help but drown in the deadly, lethal beauty of his future wife. He still couldn't believe that he had proposed to you—and you still couldn't believe that you had actually said yes. The next step now was getting your engagement ring sorted, which the two of you had decided that you were going to do together. Because Dazai's proposal was so abrupt and unexpected, he didn't actually have a ring ready to propose to you with, in fact, when he proposed, the words escaped his mouth accidentally—but it was the most beautiful accident that he'd ever caused, and he had zero regrets about his decision to take the next step in your relationship. "A living goddess walking amongst us."

"Stop it." You blushed heavily at the compliment. "And you're one to talk! You look a little too good for my liking."

Dazai smirked wildly at this. "Do I? Well, I assume there's going to be quite a lot of people at the event we're going to."

"So?" You questioned him suspiciously with a quizzical eyebrow raised in anticipation.

"So...this means I'll have to look extra good for..."

Your mouth formed into the shape of an o; crossing your arms over your chest and daring your nuisance of a future hubby to finish that sentence before you had taken off your heel and stabbed him in the eye with the sharp point, giving him an actual reason to wear a bandage over his right eye like he used to way back when he was a member of the Port Mafia. He let out an amused chuckle in response, throwing his head back, before resting his hands on your waist. He leaned in and softly pecked your lips.

"For you darling!" He cupped your face in his hands and squeezed your cheeks like an old woman whenever they saw an adorable little child. He kissed the tip of your nose; causing you to scrunch your entire face. "I always want to look my very best for my beautiful [Y/N]!"

"Shut up." You couldn't help but laugh, rolling your eyes playfully in response. Dazai let go of you and allowed you to glaze over your reflection in the mirror one last time. Dazai looked down and checked the time on his wristwatch.

"Kunikida told us to be down at precisely ten minutes past six." Dazai said, glancing down at the expensive watch adorning his wrist, one that you had gotten for him as an anniversary gift. Dazai wasn't usually one to wear watches, since he was so shit when it came to time management as it was, but because you had bought it for him, he was sure to never take it off. Not that it helped; he only ever used it for decoration purposes, plus, it was extremely expensive, so it made him feel fancy and cool.

"What time is it now?" You asked as you lifted your head ever so slightly so that you were able to observe if there were any unwanted marks on your neck. Sometimes, Dazai left hickeys without either of you even realising, and you did not want to face the pure embarrassment of meeting everyone downstairs with huge purple love bites painting your neck. You had learnt your lesson from the first time, that you had made sure would also be the last.

"Fifteen minutes past six." Dazai smiled cheekily.

"Uh-oh," an elongated sigh left your lips at the sudden realisation that the two of you were already running five minutes late; which you already knew for a fact would have a major impact on the ideals that were written inside Kunikida's trusted notebook. "Kunikida is going to be mad."

"At you? Never." Dazai remarked, slyly playing on the fact that Kunikida had a slight crush on you no matter how many times he tried to deny it. It was fairly obvious by the way that he always let you get away with everything—whereas Dazai, on the other hand, was forced to face the full brunt of his wrath, even though technically it was Dazai who had instigated the snappy side of the glasses-donning male. "At me? Always."

"Well if you stopped poking the bear with a stick then maybe he wouldn't always be so mad at you." You countered. "You don't exactly make his life easy."

"Excuse me missy. It's not even my fault that we're late today." Dazai stated with a devilish glint in his eye, and somehow you already knew where this was going. "If I remember correctly, you were the one who was too busy on your knees and sucking my—"

You immediately brought your finger up to his lips in order to silence him; stopping him from finishing the rest of his sentence. You smiled innocently, fluttering your beguiling lashes. "We should go now!"

"Mhm," Dazai's eyes formed into happy crescents as you removed your finger from his lips. He gracefully took your hand in his very own, but first, he brought it up to his lips and placed a delicate, airy kiss like the most princely gentleman that one would only ever find in a fairytale. "Let's go then, my love. I'm excited to show off my beautiful fiancée tonight."

A/N - 🤧🤧🤧 why isn't he real?

Also major self-identity crisis. I think I might be aromantic, but I also think I might be asexual?? Idk!! Stress.

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