Thirty | You...Tube.

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A/N - you can press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter if you want to! :')

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A/N - you can press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter if you want to! :')

Today the light was oddly bright, casting the birds into dark shadows against a sky of the palest blue. Their wings beat, hugging the air as they drifted on unseen thermals. For a few moments, they had Dazai's eye, keeping him spun into some sort of daydream.

You stood, leaning against the doorframe as you watched him through heavily made-up eyes, smiling lightly at the sight. Dazai was a beautiful man, and it was hard not to simply ogle at his understated handsomeness. He was spinning around on his desk chair, listening to music through his headphones, thrumming his fingers on the desk and bobbing his head in time with the tune blaring through the headphones sitting perfectly atop his head.

"You can't do a double suicide, just by yourself." Dazai sang, continuing to spin around and around in circles on his desk chair, almost to the point that he was even beginning to make you feel dizzy. Dazai was many things, but a singer definitely wasn't one of them. Although, he wasn't too bad. His voice was smooth and clear and quiet, yet powerful.

You chuckled lightly as you heard this. Of course that man was going to be listening to a song about suicide of all things.

"Yeah! Double suicideeee~"

He suddenly stopped spinning as soon as he noticed your frame lingering in the doorway with your arms crossed over your chest; an amused smile playing on your luscious lips. He paused, immediately taking off his headphones and placing them down on the desk. He carded a hand through his disheveled tresses, that still managed to look effortlessly good despite the lack of styling. The sunlight beamed through the white blinds, presenting the morning sun against Dazai's sculpted face, making this man look like an otherworldly creature of sheer exuberance and beauty—an Adonis.

"Concerts aren't free, you know." Dazai teased, raising a dark eyebrow as he watched you closely. You giggled, whilst uncrossing your arms from your chest.

"I snuck in, whoops." You played along, still not moving from where you were currently standing. For some strange, inexplicable reason, Dazai just loved leaving the door open whenever he was working in the office. You were the complete opposite in actuality, you always felt exposed whenever the door wasn't closed, and you preferred feeling like you had some privacy whenever you were in here, working away. "But anyway, hi."

"Hi beautiful." Dazai practically beamed; his words were saccharine and sugary sweet. He admired you just standing there. You looked so beautiful, there was no lie to his statement. He was attracted to you with the kind of heady trance that brought a butterfly to nectar.

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