Forty-Four | Are You Crazy?

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You walked down the vacant hallway to get to your office, firmly holding two cups of coffee in each hand; one iced for you, and the other black and bitter for Dazai

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You walked down the vacant hallway to get to your office, firmly holding two cups of coffee in each hand; one iced for you, and the other black and bitter for Dazai. You hummed happily as you skipped down the corridor.

You suddenly paused when you bumped into Yosano in the middle of the seemingly vacant hallway. You noticed that Yosano looked as pretty as ever; her skin was practically glowing.

"Hey babe," Yosano beamed brightly as soon as she saw you. "Where are you going?"

"My office." You responded. Her smile was infectious, which meant that you had ended up mirroring it without even realising. "I need to get some work done, and since Dazai's already in there, I thought it'd be nice to get him a cup of coffee to stop him from falling asleep at his desk."

"Aren't you just the best girlfriend ever!" Yosano giggled lightly. "That suicidal bastard is very lucky to have someone like you."

You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly in response, "I'd say the feeling is mutual on my part too."

"God—I can just tell that you're in love!" Yosano pointed out, staring deeply into your eyes. You couldn't help but admire how beautiful her eyes were, how unique they were. Her eyes were magenta, an unorthodox colour for natural eyes, yet so enchanting. "I can feel it every time you two look at each other."

You didn't know why, but a small blush suddenly crept up to your cheeks. "Y-You think so?"

"Mhm." Yosano nodded her head in agreement. "It makes me happy though, genuinely. I like seeing Dazai like this, he's like a lovestruck little puppy, and you, you're glowing like the sky when the sun sets in the horizon."

Your lips instantly curved into a small smile. "I'm in love with him. I never thought that could happen to me."

"But it did," Yosano stated. She cupped your cheek gently with her gloved hand, using her thumb to drag your bottom lip down, continuing to stare intensely into your deep [E/C] eyes. She tilted her head to the side; her saccharine sweet scent intoxicating your senses. Your eyes momentarily danced across her lips. You never quite figured out if the beauty of her lips were more the softness of their association, or the words that she spoke. You didn't know how she did it; she always managed to render you breathless and speechless with just a simple touch, sometimes you wondered if she herself was a secret seductress. "Now my darling [Y/N], if you ever decide that you don't want to be in love with Dazai anymore, you know exactly where my bedroom is."

And then she let go of your face, smiling wryly. Truthfully, Yosano would always be in pursuit of you. To her, you were like a devil with an angel's face, and it intrigued her. You reminded her of the prettiest poison in all of existence, the tastiest poison, poison that she would never hesitate to drink even if it meant her tragic demise.

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