Nine | La Belle Dame Sans Merci.

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The evening had sent the birds to their roosts and the crickets to sing in the swaying grasses

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The evening had sent the birds to their roosts and the crickets to sing in the swaying grasses. The sandy soil was on its way to becoming a rich sable and the cloudless sky promised an unfettered view of the heavens.

The bell chimed as Dazai had casually strolled into the Armed Detective Agency building; humming a soft tune of tranquility under his breath; with his hands resting in his pockets. He had been out for most of the day, and didn't bother to let anyone know of his whereabouts—which, had of course, resulted in the bandaged man being bombarded with a million different questions all at once as soon as he entered the building.

"OI DAZAI!" And suddenly—an angry blonde-haired man holding a notebook in his hand had marched over to a quiet Dazai; smacking the back of his head with his most prized possession; earning a distressed squeak out of the bandaged bastard in response. "Where the hell have you been all damn day without telling anyone? You useless, lazy IDIOT!"

"I had important business to deal with." Dazai responded; his face twisting into a pained grimace. "Jesus Christ, Kunikida! I get that you missed me and all, but—"


Kunikida didn't even allow Dazai to finish the rest of his sentence, and instead, smacked the back of his head once again; even harder than the first time.

"OUCH!" Dazai cried out in pain.

"Kunikida is right though, Dazai." Junichiro stated as he entered the room, alongside Yosano and Kenji. The adorable country bumpkin looked like he was about to pass out at literally any given moment now. And this was proven to be correct, as Kenji had wearily walked like a zombie over to the couch—instantly collapsing onto it without a word; snoring lightly. "Where have you been all day without informing anyone?"

"It doesn't matter." Dazai smiled through the pain; a headache starting up behind his eyes. He rubbed his fingers over the bridge of his nose.

"THEN WHY EVEN BOTHER GOING IN THE FIRST PLACE IF YOU'RE JUST GOING TO BE ALL ANNOYING AND SECRETIVE ABOUT IT?" Kunikida shouted loudly; grabbing a fistful of Dazai's shirt and lifting him up in the air. His face was as red as a tomato, but Dazai seemed to remain strictly unfazed by the notebook holder. "WHY WASTE EVERYONE'S TIME IF YOU'RE JUST GOING TO BE A LAZY IDIOT?"

"I can smell the burrito you ate for lunch in your breath, Kunikida." Dazai stated nonchalantly, and instantly, Kunikida had dropped him on the floor without a second thought. Dazai ended up landing on his own two feet perfectly; dusting himself off. "Calm down. When have I ever told you anything?"

"You are a waste of space." Kunikida narrowed his beady eyes at the brunette man; brimming under the facade of complete and utter nonchalance. "Get lost."

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