Bonus Chapter | Bathtime.

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A/N - I highly recommend that you press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter! ;)

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A/N - I highly recommend that you press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter! ;)

It was early morning as you had casually strolled into your bathroom after a good night's sleep. You noticed that the bath was running, but you didn't think much of it as you made your way over to the sink. Perhaps Dazai was in the mood to take a bath this morning. Your hair was an absolute mess from the night before, so you used your fingers to gently run through it and untangle any small knots that may have caused a problem for you once you had decided to tame this terribly messy mane with a comb. You grabbed your toothbrush that was sitting in the pot on the counter, and then you proceeded to pick up the tube of toothpaste directly next to the pot, popping open the lid before you squeezed out some mint toothpaste onto the bristles; lathering it across the brush head.

You began brushing your teeth in a swirling motion. The mirror was clouded with steam and condensation because of the hot water running in the bath beside the sink, and so you took it upon yourself to wipe down the mirror with your sleeve because you really wanted to take a good look at your reflection. Your eyes looked tired, and your pyjamas were creased, and your hair looked like a lion's mane. You continued to brush your teeth when you suddenly heard the bathroom door swing open and then shut immediately afterwards—Dazai had casually walked into the bathroom, pausing once he was standing directly over your shoulder. He looked especially handsome this morning standing there with his dark locks disheveled, yawning tiredly. He wore a fitted v-neck t-shirt and yellow ducky pyjama bottoms, and you smiled as you noticed the small creases around his pelvic area through the mirror's reflection.

He rubbed his weary eyes as he too—stared back at you through the reflection—his free hand glided up his shirt, his forearm cinching the cloth to reveal his highly defined abs. His smile was brighter than the early morning sun as he watched you brush your teeth, he leaned forward and kissed your cheek while you bent forward and spat out the toothpaste in the sink, before proceeding to rinse your mouth out with water. You did this a few times before you finally finished and used the sleeve of your pyjama top to wipe your mouth. Dazai noticed that you still had some toothpaste residing in the bottom corner of your lower lip, so he used his thumb to gently wipe it away. You smiled blissfully. Dazai reached his hand forward to grab his own toothbrush sitting alone in the ceramic pot, he was so used to staying in your room during the night that his toothbrush now lived in your bathroom rent free.

"Did you run the bath?" You asked him, walking over to it and noticing that the tub was only filled half way.

"I did," Dazai said as he squeezed a dollop of toothpaste out of the tube and onto the bristles of his brush. His toothbrush was blue, and yours was red. "I thought...since we have a free morning, why not take a bath together? A bubble bath!"

You beamed brightly, "sure...why not, I guess?"

Once Dazai had finished brushing his teeth, he slowly walked over to the tub. Your bathroom was far better than his—he was almost sure that Kunikida was being biased when he gave you your room. You probably had the nicest room and fanciest bathroom out of everyone in the agency, with Ranpo coming a very close second on the unofficial ranking list. Dazai stood by the bathtub, patiently waiting for the water to fill the rest of the tub. Dazai noticed the collection of bath bombs sitting idly atop the windowsill directly above the tub, right next to the shampoo, conditioner and body wash. The bath bombs sat as gems of white married to vibrant swirls of colour. Curious, he reached out his hand and picked one up; a bright fuchsia one stood out to him in particular, and it was in the shape of a heart. It was glittery too. He inspected it thoroughly as if he had never seen something like this before, as if it was some kind of extraterrestrial object from a dystopian planet run by an army of Barbies.

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