Fifty-Two | Diamond of The First Water.

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A sudden knock on your bedroom door had startled you, causing you to immediately jump out of Dazai's lap, sighing indignantly to yourself in the process

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A sudden knock on your bedroom door had startled you, causing you to immediately jump out of Dazai's lap, sighing indignantly to yourself in the process. Dazai mirrored your annoyed sigh, he absolutely hated being interrupted whenever things were about to get frisky. Being interrupted by a stupid knock on the door, or gunshots, was definitely a running theme throughout this book. Dazai was very well aware of this fact, and that was why he had already seen this coming from literally miles away.

"[Y/N]? Are you ready yet?" A familiar voice spoke from the other side of your mahogany bedroom door. The soft-spoken voice belonged to Atsushi, who had been sent upstairs to come and get you; you were technically the lady of the evening after all, they couldn't exactly just leave without you. Dazai was about to speak, but you immediately slapped your hand over his mouth and instead, spoke in his place. You didn't want Atsushi to know that Dazai was in here and get the wrong idea, even though the wrong idea was really the right idea in actuality.

"I'll be five minutes, Atsushi!" You called out, even though you knew that you were probably going to end up being way longer than just five minutes. Dazai's hand had circled the slope of your wrist and by applying gentle force, he peeled your palm away from his lips like a stubborn spot of glue from a piece of paper.

"Okay, that's fine." Atsushi responded, his voice as soft and gentle as the early morning sun. "Take all the time you need. We don't have to be there for at least another hour, anyway."

"Technically, [Y/N] has the right to be fashionably late." Dazai stated, and you wanted to slap his stupid, smug-looking face right then and there. He gave you a cheeky smile in return as you glared daggers at him; hypothetically slitting his throat with the sharp knives that were your equally as sharp eyes.

"O-Oh," Atsushi sounded noticeably flustered and surprised when he heard the sound of Dazai's deep voice instead of yours. You frustratedly shook your head from side to side and pinched the bridge of your nose with your thumb and forefinger, as Dazai had annoyingly winked at you in response. God, he was such a nuisance sometimes. "Dazai...I didn't realise that you were...with [Y/N]. I thought you left already...aren't you meant to be there earlier?"

"Earlier?" You mouthed to him in a questioning manner in correlation with an eyebrow raised in anticipation.

"Yes, I am." Dazai responded to Atsushi, nodding his head eagerly in response even though Atsushi couldn't exactly see him right now. "But I needed to give [Y/N] a little something before I left."

"Uh...okay." Atsushi said, neither of you could see it, but on the other side of this door, Atsushi's cheeks had reddened profusely and he had rubbed the back of his neck with his hand in an awkward manner. "I guess I'll see you both downstairs then."

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