Twenty | Thou Shalt Not Die.

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You had woken up suddenly—everything was blurry

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You had woken up suddenly—everything was blurry. For a second, just a split second, you had no idea who or where you were. You didn't know how you got in this bed, or how you got in these clothes—the only piece of clothing that you were currently wearing was an oversized t-shirt. Then, everything was processed. You were in your room. The thing above you was the ceiling. The thing on top of you was the duvet. The thing that you were wearing were pyjamas. You could see everything clearly now. You slowly sat up. You slowly woke up.

Every thought was in high definition. Your eyes had taken in every ray of light that had danced across this room through the gaps between the blinds and without a doubt, you knew that you had been unconscious for quite a while, because the last thing that you remembered, was drowning.


In the deep blue sea.

And Dazai kissing you.

Reflexively—your fingertips touched your lips; the tingling sensation of his lips on yours had lingered there, like a ghostly kiss. But the only problem was, that you weren't too sure whether Dazai kissing you whilst drowning was nothing but a dream, or reality. Though your eyes were open—you couldn't really think of why; your heart was pounding insanely fast in your chest, mind empty. It was as if a hypodermic of adrenaline had been emptied into your carotid.

So many different thoughts were racing frantically through your mind. You suddenly felt a sharp pain protruding through your head; causing you to wince in agony. Your head throbbed. The pain felt like someone had taken a knife to your skull. You leant your head back against the headboard. Squeezing your eyes shut, you willed the pain to go away. The rest of the world immediately became detached, all you could seem to concentrate on was the pain rooted deep in your head. You didn't even hear the sound of the door creaking open; the cacophony of heels softly clicking on the ground as Yosano walked into your room and sat on the very edge of your bed with a glass of water in her hand.

"Good. You're finally awake." Yosano stated; smiling; a sense of relief washing over her. "You've been out for two days, and you've been my most difficult client yet. God, your body is so damn stubborn."

Holy shit—

"Two days?" Your eyes immediately widened like saucers as soon as you heard this. You once again, winced in pain due to the toothache in your brain.

"Easy there, tiger." Yosano stated, handing you the glass of water. You took it without hesitation, gulping it down like you had never drank water before. Drinking cold water right now felt like the greatest luxury on earth. The ice fell against your glass, your fingers sliding on the condensation before your fingers had regained their grip. You felt the chill run down your oesophagus and your head made an involuntary shake. A numbness crept into your brain the way it did when you were a kid drinking too much slurpee, too fast. It was the reverse of the winter time, when all you wanted was to feel the heat of good coffee come through a thick clay mug. Yosano eyed you closely the entire time. When the glass was drained, you took the ice between your molars and bit hard, feeling it melt into cold pools on your palate. "You're still in the healing process—you mainly took a hit on your head, so it'll probably hurt a bit for the next couple of days. Do you remember what happened?"

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