Thirty-Five | The Beauty of Death, The Beauty of Life.

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A/N - you can press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter if you want to! :')

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A/N - you can press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter if you want to! :')

You stirred awake to soft sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. Your eyes were still shut as you soaked in the warmth of your covers before letting your [E/C] eyes see the sun's rays. Something about this morning had felt different, nice, unlike anything that you had ever felt before, and you knew that it was definitely not just because of the fact that this was a brand new bed, but rather, an unfamiliar warmth permeating through the entirety of your body, mind and soul.

You momentarily looked towards the large mullion-paned window, squinting your eyes. The sun rose like a flower opening, gifting its petals unto the world. Amid the dancing raindrops was the blush of scarlet, the warmth of tangerine. The sunrise meant so many things as it drifted in, igniting the colours of your room. This light was the greatest artist in history, creating beauty on the canvas beyond this window pane. It shone a path to the beautiful creatures wandering outside, and, as your mind wandered to them, you felt your eyes smile and a rising cosiness in your core. Along the way, these new rays would reveal silken webs and grass wands of many hues, the rich browns of oak arms, the silver-cream of the moon above. Even before you moved the duvet, you had dreamed of each waving leaf, telling its own story to the wind with each dancing flutter. Gazing towards the illuminated clouds, still beneath the ethereal glow, you felt at home in a way that you never had before.

Next to Dazai.

You turned around—a surprised expression drawn across your face as you noticed that Dazai was currently sitting up on your bed, back leaning against the headboard, mindlessly flicking through the pages of a book. The sunlight beamed through the white blinds, presenting the morning sun against Dazai's sculpted face. He looked devastatingly handsome with his dark, disheveled locks scattered on top of his scalp. You noticed that he was wearing reading glasses, as he licked his finger and turned to the next page of whatever book he seemed to be heavily immersed in.

You couldn't help but admire him.

The glasses added something to his face, a certain poise you supposed. They did more than just frame his eyes, they added an extra window to his soul and you loved that. They also really brought out his cheekbones somehow. You noticed that whenever his eyes had flitted across anything interesting as he was reading, he would nudge his glasses up a little higher on his nose. It was as if he thought those midnight rims ought to sit up and pay attention too. As if he and his glasses were a team, silently focusing together.

After around five minutes of carefully observing this man—you finally decided that it was time to make your presence aware. You shifted closer to him, swinging your arm over his torso, as you nuzzled your head into his side. Dazai was pleasantly surprised by this, you could tell, as he immediately set the book down on his lap and glanced down at you.

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