Thirteen | Elevator.

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You were currently waiting by the elevator; you were already running a little late—you just wanted to get to your office and get your work over and done with, so that you didn't need to work until late today

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You were currently waiting by the elevator; you were already running a little late—you just wanted to get to your office and get your work over and done with, so that you didn't need to work until late today. You wanted to sleep early, as opposed to your usual fucked up sleep schedule, where you would fall asleep at ungodly hours of the night and wake up terribly miserable the very next morning. You were currently waiting with Atsushi and Kyoka, and were joined by Junichiro and Naomi, who were holding hands and standing uncomfortably close to one another. You always thought that it was odd how close the two of them were considering they were siblings, but you never once questioned it, because you didn't want to go down that road.

When the doors opened—Naomi grabbed Junichiro's elbow and steered him to the back. You closely followed behind Atsushi and Kyoka, as all three of you had entered the elevator together. You glanced around momentarily, and you were now surrounded by dark, smoked-glass mirrors.

Just as the doors were about to close at any given moment now—you could hear a familiar voice shouting "HOLD THE ELEVATOR" before a tall, dark and handsome man had suddenly dashed inside; his sand-coloured trench coat softly flowing behind him as he just about made it in time before the doors had officially closed once and for all. To no surprise, it was Dazai, breathing in and out heavily, bending down and placing his hands on his knees to steady his erratic, abnormal breathing. You could tell that he wasn't very active.

"Jeez," Dazai huffed and puffed erratically like he had just run a long marathon or something. "I think I need to start going to the gym."

"You're literally just bones." You heard Atsushi respond beside you.

You snickered. Oh, the irony.

Dazai hadn't taken notice of you yet, and you were not going to make your presence even remotely aware unless he—himself had decided to instigate it. You were standing right at the back of the elevator; gaping at the people in front of you; staring at the backs of their heads.

"At least the ladies still love me." Dazai grinned smugly, as he ran a hand through his chestnut, disheveled locks. Naomi immediately rolled her eyes in response as soon as she heard this, shifting closer to Junichiro, who was simply standing there with his hands resting in his pockets.

You accidentally scoffed out loud as soon as you heard those words leave Dazai's lips, which, in turn, had finally caught Dazai's undivided attention, who had instantly swung his head towards you. His eyes immediately lit up as soon as they met yours; a mischievous smirk glossing his pink-tinted lips. For some strange, inexplicable reason unbeknownst to you, you wondered how they felt. Would they be soft or rough? You wondered how he tasted. Sweet or bitter? Dazai drank a lot of coffee, so maybe he would taste like coffee, but Dazai also thoroughly enjoyed sweet things, so maybe he tasted like vanilla, chocolate or strawberry. You wanted to find out, but you had quickly shaken your head from side to side, shaking yourself out of those illicit thoughts currently racing through your mind as soon as you had reached the fourth floor, watching Atsushi and Kyoka leave together.

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