Twenty-One | We Belong Together.

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A/N - you can press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter if you want to! :')

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A/N - you can press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter if you want to! :')

You were currently standing right outside Dazai's bedroom door—not making a single sound. Wringing your hands nervously, you peeked through the small crack in the mahogany door; left slightly ajar.

Dazai was sitting up on his bed, clad in a plain white shirt, his sand-coloured trench coat folded neatly beside him. He was holding a partially empty glass of water in his hand, swishing the water around, the ice cubes rattling like musical chimes. His eyes were cast towards the window—watching the world outside, his long chestnut mop of wavy tresses falling over his eyes. He seemed to be lost in his very own world.

Nearby his bedroom window were the tips of trees, a way to watch the seasons change in real time. From the bare wands of the wintry days, to the promise of spring buds and green leaves of the summertime awaiting their golden days. The rest of the room was simply the room, pretty though it was. You didn't know why you had this preconceived idea that his room was going to be an absolute mess, a pigsty, but rather, it was the complete opposite in actuality. Neat and tidy.

A soft sigh left Dazai's lips as he watched the birds outside with such sheer interest. The birds flew through that ever developing canvas of the dawn, as if their wings were fine quills, drawing such buoyant hues. Those wings in that sky became the colours of his daydreams and whenever he needed an escape or a distraction to lift him off the ground, they were always there.

"You almost let me die." Instantly—your voice drew his gaze away from the window, and over to the now open door, to see you standing in the doorway. A small smile touched his lips. "You're an asshole."

You slowly walked into his bedroom without even bothering to let Dazai invite you inside first. His eyes and smile had said it all. You made sure to shut the door behind you as you walked over to the bed, his bed, plopping yourself down on the very edge of it.

"Hi." Dazai greeted; his tongue running across his bottom lip before slithering back into his mouth. He still looked extremely handsome, despite only just waking up from a two day coma. The man was absolute perfection in coffee hues; his hair and eyes were the colour of dark roasted beans and his skin was all ivory. He had that smug, self-assured look about him; a dangerously seductive look, a look that had almost everyone addicted to him like a drug. He was skinny, but the way his clothes hung gave away the muscle beneath, you couldn't help but look down, before immediately stopping yourself from going down any further, and forcing yourself to look back up at his face. The man was still smiling at you; his smile devious and lopsided, yet no more words had spilled out of his mouth.

"Hi." You greeted back; crossing one leg over the other as you made yourself comfortable on his bed. Dazai was sitting under the soft, linen covers. "Are you okay?"

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