Forty-One | Meeting.

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You didn't want to leave last night

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You didn't want to leave last night.

No, seriously.

If you had a choice, then you would have stayed.

But the angry look on Dazai's face meant that you had no other choice but to leave. You could tell that he was in a strangely vulnerable state, and that he wasn't used to anybody seeing him like that. You could understand why he acted out the way he did, and you knew for a fact that if you had stayed there, things wouldn't have worked out in your favour.

So, you respected Dazai's wishes and just ended up going back to your room instead.

This morning the atmosphere felt a little off. On this cloudy morning there were growing patches of blue, the sort of hue that was soft and bright at the same time. Though beneath the sheet of cloud was a grey that deepened to steel, the leading edge was a brilliant white, as if it were the pages of a new book ready for any curious eye. A book that you were scared to turn, unable to anticipate what was going to happen next.

You hadn't spoken to Dazai all morning, in fact, you hadn't even had the chance to see him. You assumed for now, that was for the best. You got up and ready fairly quickly, before you went down the elevator and headed straight into the meeting room. This morning, you were told that there was an urgent meeting with the President, and you had no idea why or what could have possibly happened, but you had a strong feeling that it must have been something serious. This was nothing at all like one of Kunikida's boring meetings where you constantly talked about the same thing over and over again, this was something entirely different. Something dark, ominous. Something had happened, and you were going to find out what.

When you entered the meeting room, you noticed that Dazai was already in there. He was sitting close to the President, and there was an empty seat right beside him. Yosano pushed past Ranpo to enter the meeting room, taking a seat diagonal to Dazai and crossing one leg over the other in one elegant, swift motion. You trailed closely behind her. Instead of taking a seat in the empty chair directly adjacent to Dazai like you usually would do during a meeting, you instead, decided to take a seat next to Yosano, sitting across from Dazai. You set your bag down and made yourself comfortable.

Everyone gave the two of you weird looks as they took their respective seats around the table; with the President sitting at the very head of it. The reason why they had all given you weird looks was because they could evidently sense the lingering tension between the two of you. Dazai briefly glanced around the room, before momentarily meeting your gaze, no words being exchanged. He was quick to look away as soon as the President cleared his throat in order to try and capture everyone's undivided attention.

"Are you guys fighting?" Yosano leaned close to you and whispered in your ear. "Is he still upset about our little kiss?"

You immediately shook your head from side to side. "He's upset about something, but it's not the kiss."

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