Twenty-Two | Dazai vs Kunikida: The Sequel.

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"FUCKING IDIOT!" Kunikida yelled harshly at Dazai, who had just seemed to be standing there, silently, holding his tongue

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"FUCKING IDIOT!" Kunikida yelled harshly at Dazai, who had just seemed to be standing there, silently, holding his tongue. Kunikida's temper was on a hair-trigger. The smallest thing, especially regarding Dazai, would have sent him flying into a pernicious rage, yelling, saliva spitting out of his mouth with each jagged word. "ASSHOLE."

Kunikida's yell was like a booming bark, it made everyone who was currently standing in this room jump like scared little rabbits every single time he had spoken with such heated intensity—you included. It didn't help either that nobody could intervene no matter how much they desperately wanted to.

"Kunikida—" Yosano tried to step in, but Kunikida completely ignored her and just carried on berating Dazai.

"YOU FUCKING SUICIDAL BASTARD!" Pure venom enlaced Kunikida's tone, although Dazai seemed to be completely and utterly unfazed. That was just like him, and you genuinely expected nothing less. Kunikida's holler—despite not even being directed at you—reverberated in your ears like a clap of thunder, making you flinch in your current standing position, hugging your body with your arms. "YOU SELFISH, SELFISH BASTARD. YOU ALMOST KILLED [Y/N]!"

Dazai merely chuckled under his breath in response, causing Kunikida to now furrow his eyebrows deeply at the bandaged man. "At least it's a first date that she'll never forget."

That was it.

For Kunikida, that was the final straw.

Kunikida suddenly threw his body weight behind the fist that edged closer to Dazai's face—and then it hit his jaw with such force that blood pooled in Dazai's mouth. Everyone immediately gasped in sheer shock and horror; you and Atsushi simultaneously slapped your hands over your mouths in perfect unison.

Pain erupted from the point of impact, but Kunikida did not seem to care even in the slightest.


Before Dazai could finish the rest of his sentence, Kunikida immediately interrupted him and clearly wasn't thinking rationally when he let out his boiling antipathy and once again, swung his tight fist, too quick and potent, into Dazai's defined jaw; the impact like thousands of venomous blades piercing apart his clammed fist. It led him to one conclusion: that it hurt like hell.

Dazai immediately toppled down to the floor due to the harshness of the impact; holding onto his jaw for dear life, spitting out blood.


"Alright, that's enough guys." Ranpo immediately stepped in front of Kunikida—blocking his way, as Dazai stood smugly behind him, using Ranpo as his personal shield. His lip was busted, and you could see the clear outline of a bruise starting to form around his left eye. "Kunikida, stop it. I think Dazai has been punished enough."

"That bandaged bastard will NEVER learn!" Kunikida's nostrils were flaring at this point, and you were almost certain that you could see steam coming out of that man's ears. "Not unless he is taught a goddamn lesson—"

"Kunikida." You softly called out his name, gently resting your hand on his shoulder, standing directly behind him. Kunikida almost instantaneously straightened his posture in response; standing tall; gulping. He turned his head to look down at you, your soft lips contorting into an everlasting grin which had made Kunikida's heart thump audibly in his chest. "You can calm down now, it's okay."

"[Y-Y/N]." Kunikida stuttered as he said your name out loud, staring deeply into your endearing [E/C] eyes. You stared back at him—silence momentarily filling the intense atmosphere.

"Kunikida." You responded. His gaze raised slowly when you whispered his name, greeting you with the full force of his smoky light green eyes, the exotic black flecks within holding the light.

"I-I'm sorry, he just brings out the absolute worst in me—"

"Hey, don't worry about it, okay?" You said as you stood on your tiptoes—since the blonde-haired man was significantly taller than you—and you softly kissed his tender cheek. All it seemed to leave was a little wet mark; a pool of saliva on his cheek. Kunikida's hand went up to his face, touching the spot that your luscious lips had just brushed. Everyone else in the room, including Dazai and especially Kunikida—certainly did not expect this from you. Dazai's lips were parted, and his eyebrows were furrowed in a deep sliver of annoyance, the bruise around his eye now a deep purple shade, adding colour to his milky skin like an artist lazily splattering paint on the canvas, desperately hoping to create something wonderful. "Dazai might be a reckless bastard, but he's definitely not an idiot. He would never let me die."

When you looked back up at Kunikida's face—there was something there that you had never really seen before, and neither did the people who had been working with him for a very long time now. Kunikida was blushing; a slight rosiness to his usually blank cheeks. He was shocked, stunned, perplexed almost. The usually stoic, hard-faced man was blushing. Literally.

"R-Right." Kunikida was clearly flustered, and it was a side to him that was rarely brought out by anyone, let alone a woman who was currently working alongside him at the agency. Kunikida immediately turned to look back at Dazai, who was still being shielded by Ranpo. His arms were crossed over his chest, a strange look plastered on his face—a look that you had never quite seen before. He seemed genuinely unimpressed, and even somewhat...annoyed? Although, you weren't really sure if you were just reading far too into this or not. You could never tell with that man. "I'm sorry, Dazai. I shouldn't have hit you."

"Oh yeah?" Dazai cocked an eyebrow; a hint of annoyance enveloping his tone, masked behind his usually playful persona. "Tell that to my black eye, my bloody nose and mouth, and probably broken jaw too."

"Keep your mouth shut, Dazai." Yosano warned him through gritted teeth.

"You're lucky I didn't kill you." Kunikida stated.

"I'd like to see you try." Dazai sneered; jibing remarks at the blonde-haired man; trying to get under his skin even more than he already did.

"That's it—"

"No." Yosano quickly ran towards Kunikida, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards her. "Let's go. You can fuck him up another time."

"Dazai." You hissed, as you also grabbed his arm and pulled him away from Kunikida and instead, inclined him towards you. "Stop being an asshole. We're leaving."

Dazai stuck his tongue out at Kunikida as one final attempt of getting under his skin before he was dragged out of the room by you. Kunikida merely flipped him off in return, as Yosano had pat his shoulders in order to try and calm down the usually temperamental man.

"Well," Atsushi said out loud; sighing. The sigh that escaped Atsushi's dry lips was slow, as if his brain needed that time to process what had literally just happened between the two rivals of the same group. "That was fun."

A/N - meh this chapter is kinda shitty but...oh well.

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