Bonus Chapter | Morning.

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A/N - I highly recommend that you press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter! ;)

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A/N - I highly recommend that you press play on the song above and let it run throughout this chapter! ;)

Waking up came real slow and relaxed this morning, as if the day was kind enough to come softly into focus. Upon waking up, your brain replayed the last few scenes of your dreams—which included you shopping with your favourite anime characters and going to the arcade with them. You glanced over at your bedroom window, noticing the soft white-gold light of the new day, the hues of your bedroom moving from impressionist pastels to brilliant pop art.

You softly yawned and stretched your arms overhead before you sat up on your bed wearing nothing but one of Dazai's classic white shirts. Your [H/L] [H/C] hair was messy and disheveled as you ran a hand through it; untangling a few knots along the way with your fingers. You rubbed your tired and bleary eyes as you yawned once again—you had such a nice sleep last night, and you felt really good. You felt light and airy, like you could conquer and withstand anything that was thrown at you today. You figured it was because Dazai had stayed in your room last night. You turned to the side and noticed that Dazai was sleeping soundly beside you, he was facing the opposite direction with a pillow clutched to his bare chest. You smiled serenely as you leaned over to observe his beautiful face; brushing a few loose strands of his mop of chestnut curls away from his forehead. He looked so peaceful and angelic right now.

You could see his chest heaving up and down in a rhythmic harmony—rising and falling to the soft tune of tranquility. He looked really handsome in this deep state of slumber. He looked almost angelic, but you knew that in reality, he was far from it. You watched the way his features had softened; highlighting his young, boyish features prominent even now, in his adulthood. His rosy lips were slightly parted, eyes shut tightly. You smiled blissfully to yourself as you leaned over and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, the kiss feather-like, causing him to stir a little in his position, before you hopped out of bed and walked over to the window.

Through your bedroom window came the brightness of the day shine, that boldness that lifted your spirits. The chorus of the birds drifted in steady waves, only their melody was dancing. In a single moment the tune could fly so high and resettle, an auditory version of how they played upon wing. You moved towards it, feeling the light reach your skin and your eyes adjust to its brilliance. You reached out with your hand and leaned on the white gloss frame, noticing the subtle pattern on the glass of raindrops that came and dried.

It must have been raining last night.

"Morning princess," the husky drawl of Dazai's sexy morning voice had suddenly caused you to whirl around and face him. He was wide awake now, watching you intently—a huge smile plastered across his face. He propped himself up with his elbow; leaning on his side; his disheveled bangs falling over his dark eyes as they raked over your body being deliciously hugged by nothing but his shirt. There was something so intimately non-intimate about seeing his girlfriend wearing his shirt; he loved the feeling being injected into his body even though he couldn't quite describe it with words. His bright smile was more than enough to convey the message though—you could analyse that man like a nineteenth century literary extract from a six-hundred paged novel. "You're awake early."

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