2021 announcement; read if u care

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Hello, everyone! Thank you so much for supporting me this far! We had a good run.
I'm glad we all managed to survive this absolute hell of a year and it's at best that we'll continue the battle into 2021 (let all the non-maskers die for all I care ugh fucking karens and shit)

Anyway, it's gonna be a busy year so I decided to put all my writing plans on hold. I fear that I won't have any time to write at all this coming year since I need to play catch-up with life and school work... I mean, I guess I'm a good writer but I'm still not good enough! Y'know what I mean? I wish I was ready to bring my ideas to life but I'm still kinda inexperienced in writing. Also I'm a coward.

Butt! To all my fellow writers, I wish you all the best in writing! Also! If anyone from "Anystories" messages you, don't listen to them they're so annoying I had like 20 people come after me this year claiming they "love my novel" when I don't even have one?! Like wtf guys... but I'm too busy to check out their platform-

Anyway, I'll also be trying to get a job and learn how to drive next year so good luck to me I guess...ugh help

Also as much as I'd love to sit my ass down and write like a hurricane, I just don't think I'm ready yet... I don't think it's my time to shine or get out there... even tho I'm afraid that everyone else manages to get my ideas... I'm indecisive, I can't make a decision and it'll be my imminent doom. I feel like my time's running out... God what do I do aaaaa


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