no accident • zack

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Would you believe me if I said that a car accident was how you got a boyfriend?

Accident-prone is the first thing that comes to mind when people were asked to describe you. Friendly, ambivert, clumsy; that's just some of the other things that say something about you. Albeit not always clumsy, you tend to get injured a lot.

You broke several bones as a child, apparently from playing too rough, but you barely had any supervision because mom and dad worked on the clock and the babysitters were bad. At 15, you had your spleen removed and then had a kidney transplant a year after.

You then had a near-fatal vehicular accident (got hit by a truck) before attending university, and spent five months in a coma due to another vehicle accident (riding in a friend's car) while at university. After graduating, you broke your ribs three times from household accidents and falling most of the time. To your credit, you fought back from serious injury to regain your health.

Aside from physical injuries, you frequently get sick and end up going to the hospital. It's not that you ate bad food, or had a poor diet, your body simply hates you sometimes. And since you got sent to the hospital so often, nearly every doctor and nurse has heard of you. They always says you're both lucky and unlucky. You like to think you're just living in the middle. But even if without an injury, you visit the hospital once a day to see how everyone was doing. You got to know just about everyone who worked in the community hospital ever since you were 17.

There came a year where you never visited the hospital. Some of the staff were concerned and ended up contacting you. You went overseas at that time and you tell them you'll be coming home in about two years. Relieved, the doctors and nurses continue on with their lives, often thinking of their most regular patient.

When you did come home, a quarter of the staff were new. Some of the nurses and doctors were either transferred to another place or they retired. The usual workers welcomed you back that day, and they were thankful that you didn't get into a plane accident. Although the new staff weren't involved, they eventually got to know the weird tale of Y/n the accident-prone girl.

One day, you started driving your own car that you got for your birthday. And cue car accident. (Crashed into a tree after swerving off the road when a stray dog was crossing.) One of the EMTs on the scene recognized you and alerted the hospital to prepare for arrival. He laughed to himself, thinking how you were almost like a celebrity. Arriving at the emergency room with a lopsided grin, you had the energy to high-five the nurses along the way.

After being assessed by the doctor, you were brought to your room; the same room they put you in to let you rest ever since you became a regular patient. (Maybe the hospital staff did pick favorites but that information is beyond your knowing.)

Accidents always brought you here but today is the luckiest you'll ever be. You realized this when a hot nurse walked in to check on you. This was obviously no accident. No coincidence either, and you just knew that one of the older nurses asked the new guy to come check you. (You always met a new nurse everytime you were brought in- that's how you got to know everyone.) A man of tall stature, the nurse had dark skin and a scar across his nose. He has short black hair and he wears a bandana which covered his whole forehead.

"Hi, I'm Zack."

He's tall, dark, and incredibly handsome. Your heart flew to the sky.

While Zack checked your vitals, you kept your mouth shut and bit your lip from time to time. You didn't want to say anything that might weird him out. It was obvious he wasn't much of a talker either.

"You're Y/n, right? You're pretty popular among the staff. I can see why."

You weren't sure what he meant by that but it was definitely a compliment. Zack left right after, much to your disappointment. Another nurse you knew (one of the youngest nurses in the building) came in and had a chat with you.

"I see you already met Zack." Anna grins at you.

"He's hot." You sighed dreamily. "I'd break my bones to see him everyday."

"You don't have to go that far. Besides, he's single." The blonde mentions.

One thing lead to another, and you and Zack were now dating. Perhaps it was by chance that he had a shift that day, or it was just a coincidence. But it was no accident. There was no way you imagined of getting a boyfriend after crashing your car. In a sense, you were grateful that you got into accidents.

the end.

Hi, I know that was short but I'm kinda struggling right now and I'm supet stressed, hope you guys understand

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