the coin • ray

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*that guy in the taco bell drive thru voice*
I wanna fucking Die™


The four highest scorers of Grace Field are always the ones being praised the most. They all have different skills and strengths and distinct personalities which separates them from the rest. Emma, Norman, Ray, and Y/n hold a strong bond ever since they were very little. However, Y/n was often the odd one out. She wasn't really all that special unlike the other three. The girl often stayed outside the friend circle and kept to herself.

In the orphanage, it was known that Y/n and Norman are fraternal twins. They were quite close. Plus, they share some features, as well as the intellectual genes (although Y/n knows that she's less smarter than Norman). Like two sides of the same coin, except one side is brighter than the other, and the other lives in the shadow of her brother. Y/n doubts herself too much. She sees herself as foolish and incompetent. The direct opposite of Norman.

Wherever there is light, there will be darkness that follows. And the night Conny left Grace Field was when the darkness peeked in above the children. That night, Emma and Norman crawled underneath the truck and discovered the horrifying truth. Back in the house, Ray and Y/n knew that things were about to unfold. And yes, Y/n knows about the secret of the farm. It came to her in a dream- which was more of a nightmare, really. When Y/n was soon involved in the escape plans, a small turn of events come to interrupt their plans...

Y/n's days in Grace Field soon came to an end. Much to her surprise, what was beyond the gate is a man, who she'll soon discover is the real demon, named Ratri. The girl was then transported to a facility called Lambda; an experimental plantation. There, she waited in a small room. They had provided her with food and a bed. She had no clue as to why she was brought there or what was she waiting for. There were only some tests taken. It wasn't long until Norman showed up at Lambda. Although Y/n was more than glad to see him again, she became extremely worried about Emma, Ray, and the others. The twins weren't able to speak of such matters with all the adults around, so Y/n was left with anxious thoughts hanging at the back of her mind.

Time has passed. Y/n figured out the reason as to why she was in Lambda. It should've been more obvious- it was because Y/n and Norman are related. Having the same genes was indeed something to work with but this later failed to become useful to the experiments. While Norman lived out his days getting smarter and smarter with each test they give him, Y/n wasn't progressing so good. And she clearly heard the words coming from their mouths. She's useless. It wasn't her fault that she wasn't as smart as her brother. She's the dimmer side of the coin.

Before the staff had gotten the pleasure of getting rid of the useless girl, Norman finally made a move. A retaliation. The rise of a rebellion. The fair haired genius, who was now seen as a god in the eyes of others, extended a hand to help his sister back on her feet. This Norman was the one she knew, the bright side of the coin. As Norman established his power and rose against the oppressors, Y/n quietly sat in her room in the hideout.

Sighing, Y/n fished her pockets for a special item that she cherished from a special someone. It was a coin. From Ray. The girl smiles just a bit. She loves Ray more than anyone or anything else in the world. And although this sounds like an exaggeration, it's true. Ray gave her the coin as a reminder to not ever doubt herself in times of trouble. He told her that she should never compare herself or to anyone else. After all, every coin is worth something.

:.。..。.:*・ flashback ・*:.。. .。.:


Y/n called out to the boy. She wasn't the only child who distanced themselves from others. Finding comfort with someone outside the circle was what made Y/n attracted to him. They were two sides of a coin as well. And as the world spun 'round and 'round, Y/n and Ray slowly became friends who knew a dark secret. With enough trust, they revealed to each other what they knew.

"How on earth did you find out?" Ray asked her with a raised brow and suspicion.

"A nightmare."

She was being dead serious. Ray realized there was more to Y/n that what meets the eye. Little did he know that his heart was slowly moving towards her, like an asteroid about to hit earth. But of course he had to burn first. This analogy doesn't mean anything. And on the night Y/n left Grace Field, Ray's heart burned on the inside. It clenched in pain. It was different than the pain he usually felt.

"Everyone," Y/n began with a melancholy smile. "I'm sorry if we didn't get to play all the time. Perhaps I'll meet you all in the future."

As everyone bid goodbye, the Grace Field trio were petrified. They thought they had lost another dear friend that night. Still, everything else went according to plan. That was until Norman was shipped out as well. When Ray was beginning to get discouraged from living, Emma convinced him otherwise. Y/n wouldn't have wanted him dead either. In the end, Ray kept living. Y/n did too.

:.。..。.:*・ back to the present ・*:.。. .。.:

Y/n couldn't recall much memories, but she hoped for the better. She will meet them again, soon. Whenever she had the coin, she had hope. It wasn't until today that Y/n's wishes are granted. She hears the ruckus downstairs about orphans from Grace Field who just arrived. Bolting out of her room for the first time in days, Y/n saw Norman coming down from his office. He once again took her hand and led her to the balcony, seeing all their old (and new) friends alive and well.

Emma and Ray had been sent up to Norman's office. The redhead was let inside first so Norman could have a moment with his dear Emma. While Ray waited for a few seconds outside, Y/n walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. As he turned around, the first thing he sees is the coin in between Y/n's fingers. She puts in back in her pocket and smiles at him like she used to. He smiles back, the same kind of softness on his lips. Y/n and Ray share a tight embrace. Their reunion needed no words. Everything was going to be alright once more now that they're all together.

A mere coin had given Y/n hope, and it will continue to do so. No matter what, it will all be okay. Just have hope, Y/n.

the end.

Oh no, was there too much prose here? Sorry, I'm still trying to find my writing style. I'll try to add some more dialogue the next time I write so it won't be boring.

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