"take-out" • gillian

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Undoubtedly, Goldy Pond Café serves the best drinks in town. Whether it be coffee or tea, the barista always makes your drink just right. The food is equally exceptional because of the young cook that worked there. But people don't simply go to Goldy Pond for the drinks or the food, often they go to see the servers. Of course, you were one of those people who liked seeing the handsome and beautiful faces of those who worked at the café. They're a friendly bunch of people who's kind to all the patrons. You even gained a crush on one of them.

When the shop would open up at 9 in the morning, you'd be there precisely five minutes after opening. It goes without saying that you're already a regular customer and the staff members recognize you whenever you walk in. Today was no different. And here comes your favorite waitress, Gillian.

"Well, if it isn't Y/n coming in bright and early, same as always!" The blonde flashed her signature cat-like grin.

Bit by bit, you fall for the girl. "You say it as if I work here."

"You're always welcome to join us," Nigel, another employee, adds in as he passed by with a serving cart.

"Guys, come on, I already have a job."

Gillian walks you over to your usual table and asks if you wanted the usual. You smile at her and say nothing. With a nod, Gillian skips over to the kitchen with your order memorized. By the small window, you see Gillian speaking to a boy with a familiar bedhead. It's days like these that the cafe provides you with inner peace and a means to escape the chaos of life. Well, that, and the fact that you get to see Gillian almost everyday.

Your order comes to the table, brought by Emma (their most recent hire) and you thanked the dear girl. You made a mental note to leave a tip later, as you always do. After eating, you flagged down Oliver to get the bill.

"Are you doing it today?" He asked while watching you place your payment on the tray.

"Yep." You winked. "Care to handle my take-out?"

Oliver smirked and went back to kitchen. He later came back with Gillian out of her uniform. She looked a bit confused.

"Take-out for Y/n." Oliver grins widely.

"Thanks, Ollie!"

Gillian wore her pink wool-made beanie hat (which she wears all the time even during work) that was covered with pins she made herself. Along with that is a matching light pink coat with more pins she made. Underneath her coat is a lime green shirt and a pair of short jeans. You loved it when she wore those shorts.

"Mind if I take you out?" You stood up and held out your arm, which she gladly takes with a lopsided smile.

"I always knew you were plotting something behind my back."

You liked her a lot, and the other workers of Goldy Pond Café knew that ever since you first laid eyes on her. Her high-spirited and outgoing personality was part of what attracted you to her. She's cute and shorter than you- which is a bit of a bonus for you. Gillian is a lively girl and she gives you energy. Also, you think she's absolutely hot when she goes to practice shooting in your uncle's range outside of town (you met her there too).

"Thanks for going out with me." You tell her. "I didn't know how else to confess without your coworkers gushing at us."

Gillian lets out a hearty chuckle as she leans forward to give you a hug. You place your chin atop her head.

"I like you too, Y/n."

You start from just being crushes, and soon, you'll get to know each other better. The day is about to end, but this is just the beginning.

"But seriously? Take out?"


the end.

Hey guys, sorry if this was kinda short. I was meaning to tell you guys that I'll be taking a week-long break from writing after I finish the next few requests!

Still, thank you for reading this far!

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