you were mine • lucas

906 30 13

*set before covid, just saying

You typed away on your keyboard, immersed in finishing your little writing project. Cut off from concentration, your phone rings on the desk. It's your favorite nephew calling. You grab the phone swiftly and put it to your ear.

"Norman, how nice of you to call!"

"Yes, hello, Auntie." The young boy's mellow voice comes from the other line.

Norman isn't your biological nephew but you have a connection to his family members and you were overall considered a great aunt. As the conversation went on, Norman invites you to a house party that he and his friends planned for tomorrow. Immediately, you wanted to say no. You told him you were hesitant to come.

"I'm not really in the mood to see my ex-husband and his new husband." You sigh. "Not that I have anything against them."

Norman chuckled. "Even if you say no to me, Emma would call you and you can't say no to her."

He has a big point. You got caught in a corner, a trap called 'Nobody-Can-Say-No-To-Emma.' Although you've only met Emma once, you know what that kid is capable of. You have no choice but to say yes at this point. It's not like it would kill you to see Lucas again after more than two years, right? Groaning, you eventually say yes. Norman's glad to hear it (though not the groaning part).

"Better get ready for tomorrow. See you then, Auntie Y/n."

The call ends. You immediately regret everything. As the next day comes, you arrive at your destination gritting your teeth. Norman texted you the address yesterday and you're not surprised to find yourself back at your old house. Years worth of memories came flooding back of when you and Lucas lived under one roof. The reminiscing hurts. Your train of thought gets cut off as the door opens. There he stood, a welcoming smile on his face. Neither of you say a word. Before telling you to come in, another man comes to the door.

"Ah, Y/n." It was Yuugo. "Come on in, why don't ya?" He beckons you to come inside before pecking Lucas on the cheek and disappearing back into the house. Lucas lets out his smile, tells you to come inside and walks back into the blur.

Like an idiot, you stood there, and braced yourself to step inside. The chatter of at least twenty children and a few adults get louder in your ears as if you stepped through a vortex from the front door to the back of the house. You watched as they all convened out in the backyard where you noticed something else was different.

"A pool?"

You turn to hear chuckling from behind you. Yuugo comes up and hands you a glass of champagne.

"Yes, we renovated the backyard recently," he said.

Your eyes couldn't believe it but there it was; a simple pool with all the kids jumping into the clean, sparkling water. Norman was in the pool with Emma and Ray, he spotted you and waved. You awkwardly waved back at your nephew. Looking to the other side of the yard, where there was also a new patio, is a new outdoor grill and mini bar. Seems that they got busy. Years ago, you and Lucas never thought of getting a pool, much less an outdoor grill. Life used to be quiet. Before, it'd be just you, Lucas, his adopted son Oliver, and a few of Ollie's best friends. Speaking of Lucas, he comes up next to you and ushers you back in the house so you could have a talk.

"So how have you been?" He guides you to the bar stools on the kicthen counter. Seems they had a kitchen renovation too.

"I'm doing fine." You put your champagne glass down on the marble counter.

"That's good to hear."

It's been two years and seven months since you and Lucas went through a divorce. Of course, you were invited to Lucas and Yuugo's wedding two years later but you didn't go. You drowned yourself in wine that night- but you're never going to tell anyone about that. At least Oliver handled the divorce well. He's in college now, that boy. And he calls you often, as he still considers you as his mother. But even after trying to get your life together, getting a freelance job, traveling to new places, you couldn't heal well enough.

Lucas looks at you. You catch his gaze.

"Do you miss me?" He asks.

You shake your head. Pursing your lips, you tell him something else.

"It hurts whenever I think about you." As you say this, something sour bubbles up in you. But you push it back down. "I was fixing my life, y'know."

He doesn't say anything. He doesn't know what to say to that. You continue but decide to keep it short.

"I thought I was gonna be okay. But everyday I lived with the fact that you were mine. And I was yours."

Lucas gave you a look; the same look that he had when you two agreed to separate. You know what that look meant. It meant that he misses you. But you don't miss him- and for a single reason. Because he's right there. You disregarded your own feelings because you wanted Lucas to be happy. And he is. He may miss you, and you might miss all the wonderful times spent with him, but if one thing's for sure...

"You were definitely mine. I loved you, Lucas."

"I loved you too."

You did love Lucas. He used to be yours. Now, you're going to let him be happy with Yuugo.

The end.

a/n: ...idk wtf that was
The only reason I wrote this oneshot was for family day (holiday celebrated in certain parts of Canada) and I remembered the other Lucas oneshot I wrote here that Y/n split with Lucas, so......🤷‍♀️

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