jelly boy • norman

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Again, it's short, I'm so sorry
Yandere Norman terrifies me and I'm glad I only had to write "jealous Norman" for this oneshot and nothing else


Norman was bitter. No, not was- he is bitter right now. Bitter like his coffee too. (Probably like his soul as well but we don't know that). The pale-haired boy sat at the table, bitterly watching his two friends across him laughing about God-knows-what.

Today was supposed to be a simple outing with his girlfriend Y/n. All was well until Ray miraculously passed by and took Y/n's attention away for five whole minutes. It's been a week since the two last saw each other so they were only catching up. Fortunately, Norman wasn't entirely left out of the conversation.

When Ray left, Norman kept his mouth shut and his face normal. Y/n saw right through him.

'I can see you're still jealous, Norman.' She smiles sweetly. 'You can try to hide it all you want but I'll still notice it.'

Norman doesn't reply because she has a point. This wasn't the first time Norman showed signs of jealousy when Ray- or any guy for that matter - would get too comfortable with talking to Y/n. As much as Norman tries to pretend that he's not jealous, he always is, and Y/n sees that with just a look. That's why Norman liked her in the first place, she could read him easily. (This factor contributed well to their communication as a couple.)

Y/n and Norman had just began dating about two years ago. So far, there's been little no bumps along the road. Everything was going smoothly. It'll stay that way as long as they continue to love each other the way they always do.

'Norman, look at this! What do you th- Norman?'

As they were window shopping, Y/n found her boyfriend glaring at something on the other side of the street. She turns to where his gaze is directed just to see a man walking away.

'Norman, please.' Y/n sighs. 'Tone it down.'

He looked back at her with soft eyes. 'I'm sorry.'

Y/n suggested that they go home instead and spend more time together. Norman is more than happy with that idea. They later spent the rest of the day watching Studio Ghibli movies and eating a load of snacks. The next day, a package addressed to Y/n came at the door. She giddily got up from the couch and carried the box to the kitchen. She sets it down on the table with extra care.

'What is it?' Norman raises a brow.

Y/n doesn't reply and instead unpacks the contents of the box. There was a figurine in a glass casing, which Y/n squealed at upon her sight of it. Hurriedly, she opened it and took the figurine out. With a large grin, she put up the figure to Norman's face.

'Look! Jelly Norman!'

The said jello figurine is a blue Norman. It was small and blue, also edible, as Y/n mentioned. Although there wasn't a face, the hair at the top was a clear color.

'My friend makes custom molds and she made this custom little jelly boy for me.'

At this point, Norman knew Y/n was doing this to tease him. Of course, he has to get back at her. Smirking, he knew just what to do.

'I'm gonna eat Norman~!'

In a swift motion, he pulls her closer and huskily whispers in her ear.

'Why don't you eat the real Norman instead?'

the end.

I suck so bad

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