struggle to accept • emma

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Me, writing: How can I pretend to have romantic feelings or be bisexual when I just converted to being aro/ace?
Also me: Oh wait Emma's fictional, she doesn't count-


The phone rings on the bedside table, the name "Emma" is seen on the caller screen. A girl's hand picks it up and she puts the phone to her ear.


"Y/n?" A familiar, angelic voice spoke from the other line. "You still coming over?"

"You know I never have any other plans besides hanging out with you, Emma."

Ever since high school, Y/n and Emma were the best of friends and so much more. They started dating since they became sophomores in college. Soon to be juniors, the girls were eventually planning to confess to their families. However, Y/n couldn't help but think that she is disliked by Emma's adoptive mother. And as far as embarrassing memories goes, Y/n never did anything that gave Isabella a bad first impression. She was always welcomed into the house, even by Emma's aloof brother Ray (who is Isabella's biological son).

It was the 1st of December. Almost time for the holidays. Everyone already knows what song is playing everywhere. Outside was a light shower of snow in the late afternoon. On her way to Emma's house, Y/n picks up a housewarming gift for their family. It became routine for Y/n to visit them twice a month. Upon arrival, Y/n was greeted by her angelic girlfriend at the door.

"It's good to see you again, Y/n." Isabella came down to hug the young lady.

Y/n returns the hug with glee. "Thanks for having me again."

Formalities aside, Isabella was actually glad that her daughter found a best friend, especially since Emma always made friends but never brought anyone over. Be that as it may, Isabella had no prior knowledge that Y/n and Emma are dating. She began suspecting it months ago, although she wasn't entirely sure. It was around dinner that it was all about to change.

That evening, Isabella's cousin Krone came over for dinner, as well as Ray and Emma's childhood best friend Norman. The meal was good and everyone talked happily at the table. After dinner, Ray went and drove Norman home. Y/n offered to help Isabella with the dishes but the woman politely declined. Everything was going well...

Isabella finished washing and put the dishes in the drying rack. She reminds herself to call someone to fix the broken dishwasher before Christmas. Before she could sit back at the table to finish her drink, Isabella overhears the girls in the living room. Emma and Y/n stood on the opposite side of the wall that separated the kitchen from the dining room and living room. They were trying to whisper the best they can but Isabella had very good hearing.

"Think I can stay over tonight?" Y/n whispered suggestively.

Emma giggled softly. "I could ask my mom-"

"You know what? How about just walk me to the station?"

"Alright, I'll get my coat."

Isabella hears them kiss. There's no mistaking it. And as Emma went up to her room, Krone came back from the powder room and sat at the table. Isabella sat down to join her, a look on her face that was almost flat as iron but mixed with something else. There was no way to tell how the woman felt. Isabella was unreadable like that.

"Isabella? What's wrong?" Krone took a silent sip from her mug.

The mother's sharp purple eyes stayed on the floor. Stone-faced, she said, "They're dating. Oh, poor Emma. She could find someone better."

Isabella turned her head to look at the wall. At that moment, she could feel as if she was looking right at Y/n. The latter covered her mouth with her hand as the words processed through her head. Tears began to well up. She couldn't think. Her legs headed straight for the door, rushing to put her boots on and swiping her coat from the rack. Y/n was out the door in under five seconds.

Krone, having realized what Isabella tried to do, nearly wanted to scold her cousin. "Did you genuinely not like Y/n? You already knew Emma was pan, so why would you drive her first girlfriend away like that?"

Isabella gave no reply. As if on cue, Emma came downstairs only to be confused. She looked around for a moment before noticing the expressions on her mother's and aunt's faces.

"Where's Y/n?"

"I think you better go after her." Krone suggested.

Without another thought, Emma rushed out of the house. Krone shook her head and went to go sit in the living room. Isabella remained still, like stone. Outside, the snow shower had gotten stronger. The bitter wind nipped at Emma's face as she tried to tread carefully through the ice and snow. After a while, she caught up with Y/n- who was sitting in a sheltered bus stop. By then, it was getting colder and the sky was getting darker. Emma slowly approached and sat by her girlfriend.

"Why did you leave all of a sudden?" The angel asked.

Y/n, with her gaze on the ground, replied, "Isabella said that you could find someone better."

Emma was angry and in shock. Why would her mother say that? Y/n did nothing but treat everyone with respect.

"There isn't anyone better!" She bursted.

Y/n looked up sadly, her tear-stained cheeks and red eyes making her look absolutely miserable. She's never cried like this in front of Emma before. The redhead wondered why Isabella would say such a thing to someone as wonderful as Y/n.

"You're the one for me, Y/n. I've known you for a while and we were always there for each other." Emma held Y/n's hands tightly. "Whenever I'm with you, my heart beats faster, and it feels so right. You loved me for who I am without question or doubt." She smiled.
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I'm never letting you go."

The snowstorm had soon calmed down. Hand in loving hand, Emma and Y/n walked back to the house with their hearts beating as one. It had gotten late, and by the time the girls got back, it was only Isabella waiting for them. She was still seated at the kitchen table, her drink completely cold. The woman hadn't moved from her spot for the past minutes until she saw Emma and Y/n walk in. The adult stands to face them, Emma with furrowed brows and Y/n with sorrowful eyes.

"I won't ask you why," Emma stated. "I just want you to know that if you struggle to accept us for who we are, then at least respect our decision." Tears were beginning to flow out of Emma's green eyes.

After a minute of silence, Isabella began to cry as well. She embraced both Emma and Y/n, apologizing profusely. Soon, all three ladies were crying. And here I wondered, it's often that parents say something and their child could not begin to comprehend why. For Isabella, she might've said what she said- although not on purpose- for a reason. That reason might have involved Isabella's mindset that first relationships most often fall out. With, of course, the name Leslie being echoed in her memories.

Some parents do struggle to accept their children, and I hope your parents love you no matter what. This may not apply to everyone, so I'm sorry. Merry Christmas.

Everyday my writing gets worse...

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