one more day • ray

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It was a nice day. So far, all the days have been nice. They all got to live for one more day. . .

Somewhere in an orphanage, there lived one young girl who often likes staring up at the sky. She revelled in the wonder of the infinite cosmic abyss above the earth. She made a promise to herself that she'd one day get to explore and dive into the secrets of the universe- the sky especially. Indeed, life hides many secrets from us and the girl knows this. However, one shouldn't dive too deep in these secrets. Some things should remain the way they are in order to protect others.

A girl like Y/n, who may not as be as intellectually bright as the other children, is perceptive enough to have discovered the secrets of the house that she grew up in. She found the pieces in the books, but knew not the puzzle that was to be formed with those pieces. It wasn't until that fateful day that Ray stepped forward and put it together for Y/n. The puzzle was revealed. The cattle children soon learned of the truth and were no longer ignorant of the bigger, much more horrifying picture.

"I still can't believe that we're... demon food." Her breath shook as did the rest of her system. Y/n attempted to breathe and not hyperventilate in the information that was just given to her by Ray. Although Y/n did figure out the secret, Ray had been most patient with explaining it to her. The boy didn't want to drag her into this mess, but if he had any chance of escaping with her and Emma and Norman, he had to do what he had to do.

"Sorry for having to burden you with this." Ray said. He sighed and wished for at least a small chance to keep living. After all, it's for her; for someone he deeply cares for. Ray cherished her so, and he wondered if they could one day have a normal life and grow up together.

"It's okay. I knew things would never be the same after I noticed the morse code on the ex libris." Y/n's expression turned grim. "It puts a lot of things into perspective, actually. Then before you realize it, it slaps you right in the face." Y/n's world turned upside down. She no longer had the time to look up at the sky. Instead, her eyes always went to the ground. There was nothing but gravity keeping her here.

The days came and went, and they got worse with each second, brimming with tension and something scarier. One more day, they thought, one more day closer to freedom. When all that hope began to fill them, and when all their plans began to work, Isabella made her move. She retaliates, ruining almost everything. And when they thought that they were close to success, it all came crashing down. Norman got shipped out. Emma's leg is broken. Ray was close to picking a last resort. And while this all happened, Y/n was given an offer. Thinking she had no other choice, seeing that they were all doomed anyway, Y/n accepts.

"I only want one thing, Isabella." The young girl looked up at the woman she once called 'Mama.'

"What is it?"

"Let us keep surviving. Even for just one more day. You'd understand, right?" Y/n knew. Isabella knew. All that's left is a little bit of hope. It wasn't much but it was still there.

On that night, Y/n was nowhere to be found. She had left behind a letter for Ray, telling that she'll be fine and that she'll live. Ray, Emma, and the rest of the children went on to escape in the night. Ray had no clue as to where Y/n ended up, but he had hope that he'll find her again someday. Y/n went on, being transported to a facility where she was to be trained as a Mama. She had no clue if the rest were alright. She doesn't even know if she'll be alright. Still, one more day. Seeing the sun rise again fills her with hope. She'll get to see Ray again.

It was a nice the very least. All the days haven't been what they used to be. For those who were fortunate enough, they all got to live for one more day.


Once again, I did not DELIVER what was specifically asked of me... why am I like this
I mean it's like ordering McNuggets and fries but instead you get a free Big Mac delivered to you
It's totally not what you ordered! But it's free! So you just take it, not sure if you enjoyed it but hey no harm done, right?

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