zack as your boyfriend

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• I once established that Zack is a nurse in a hospital and you met him when you got into a car accident

• Tall, dark, handsome. Basically 3-in-1 hottie

• Despite the many scars that decorate his body, Zack has such beautiful skin

• This boy got strong, rough hands, but has a gentle touch

• Some girls like him but you're the one who stole his heart

• He's the kind to carry you and tuck you into bed when you fall asleep on the couch, then he'd fall asleep beside you

• If he smiles... *melts* 😍🥰💕♥️

• He likes to carry you <3

• He's always gentle with you

• He likes stroking your hair and giving you pecks on the cheeks and lips

• You two don't always talk but that doesn't make it awkward between you, it's more of a quiet thing that goes on in your relationship

• You two are actually good dancers (when nobody's watching)

• You and Zack started out as strangers who met and connected through the same friend (Gillian and/or Nigel probably)

• If Zack isn't a nurse, he could be a firefighter (pls imagine him and Oliver being hot asf at work)

• He's the type of guy who always makes the time and effort

I'm sobbing
GP's best bitches got erased from the anime's existence so here you go :')

I'm sobbingGP's best bitches got erased from the anime's existence so here you go :')

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