despite everything • zazie

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I'm sorry if it's not super fluffy...I tried...


Cages. Chains. Confinement.

Λ7214 is a place that consisted of those three words. It may have been different for the other experiments, but your whole life was spent behind bars. And even at the age of ten, you could never dream of what's outside the plantation. You couldn't dream, you barely even slept. You grew up with no knowledge of anything aside from the ones the adults had to teach you. Though, they didn't teach you much. You learned all the words on your own, and maybe picked up a thing or two from one of the demons.

The people in white coats had no regard for the fact that you were only ten. They gave you drugs. Then they put you in whatever machines were there and tested you. For those past years, they've been finding various results that resulted in more experiments. You had the ability to pick up the language of the demons and had the strength that no normal child could handle when given the drugs. After each testing, you were thrown back in your cage. It was lonely. It was cold. Despite everything, your heart held on to a little spark of hope.

One fateful day, Lambda was no more. A group had risen up and turned things around. Everyone was liberated. A tall creature in a paper bag mask was the one who took you safely from your prison and set you free. You were indebted to Zazie and you stood by his side ever since.

You stayed in the Paradise Hideout on most days, not really wanting to go out with Zazie and the others. Whenever Norman and his group would go out, they would later come back with rescued orphans from the farms. Made you wonder if Norman was running some kind of charity. More so than often, you hid away from the other children. But whenever Zazie was present in the hideout, you were almost immediately right beside him. You'd think that you look like an ant when standing next to the tall five year old, but in actuality, you were a few fair inches shorter than Barbara- which meant that you were fairly tall but still quite shorter than Zazie. And it was noted, as well as stated by Barbara, that you're pretty tall for someone your age.

By the time that a group of new kids would arrrive at the hideout, you were beginning to be comfortable with talking to them. When Zazie wasn't around, you found Hayato to talk to. But if he wasn't around either, some kids would attempt to invite you to play with them. Most of the kids are shocked upon learning that you're only ten. After all, who wouldn't be surprised seeing a child who had the body of a teenage girl?

Emma and the orphans from Grace Field arrived the next day. As they got settled in, some of the younger kids in the said group would approach you. At one point, two kids, whose names are Lani and Thoma, had asked you how old you were. Having forgotten how to say "ten", you held up both your hands. They showed the same shocked expression that you received from others.

Later in the afternoon, Zazie was in the hideout again. As usual, you never left his side. Some had found it weird that neither of you spoke and often wondered how you understood each other. By chance, Emma and Ray were walking around. They stopped upon seeing you and Zazie in one of the rooms. The door was partially open yet they could see what was inside.

On Zazie's lap was your sleeping figure, curled up like a cat. You slept soundly while he stroked your hair. Emma thought it was a lovely sight to see.

Despite everything, you're still human. Even if you didn't feel like human- much less a child, the warmth of Zazie's lap made you feel alive. It gave you more comfort than you've ever had in your entire life. You felt safe. And when Zazie first saved you, this warmth and feeling of safety was what you first felt. You slept on his lap oftentimes, your heart still beating and now full of hope that things will be alright. Zazie will be there for you, and you'll be there for him. It'll all work out fine somehow. It always will.

the end.

I hate myself

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