more than anything • anna//ray

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(This is the 2nd to the last request for this year; requests are closed)

It's common for siblings to be experiencing jealousy. Y/n and Anna are half-sisters who share the same mother. Y/n was considered the prodigy of the family, overworking herself so as to not disappoint. However, her father died before she was born. Life was unfair that way. After two years, Y/n's mother remarried and soon got pregnant with Anna. Growing up, Anna often found herself jealous of her sister's accomplishments and skills. Little did Anna know that Y/n harbored some hidden jealousy as well.

The half-sisters have shared a lot of things since they were tots. They both shared toys, clothes, memories, and in high school, they apparently shared the same crush. Anna and Y/n both liked a popular boy named Ray (but to be honest, a lot of girls in the school liked him too). The only problem was that Anna is a sophomore, while Y/n and Ray are seniors now. The older sister definitely had a bigger chance to end up with Ray.

Now, the Winter Formal was coming up in Grace Field High. Everyone's rushing to secure a date. On that Wednesday morning, Y/n drove herself and her sister to school. Parking her car in her designated area, Y/n asks her sister about prom.

"You coming to the dance this Friday, Anna?"

Anna simply shrugged, knowing that nobody would probably ask her out anyway.

"Oh, c'mon. Nobody's asked you yet?"

Anna shakes her head, getting out of the car with her sister. They split ways and head to class. By lunch time, Anna goes to sit with some of her friends in the cafeteria. Like Gilda for example, who's a junior and is rumored to be dating a certain bean boy. Y/n was in the table next to them as she hung out with Emma, Norman, and Ray.

Thursday came and the preparations for the formal are all done. All that was left to do was decide whether to attend or not. By then, everyone had gotten themselves a date. And most girls had failed to get Ray as their date. Anna didn't bother to try. She knows he'd go ask Y/n. After the school bell rang, Y/n and Ray are found together in the school entrance. The students pass by to go home, most of them already knowing what was going on. Y/n knows what's coming.

"Be my date to the Winter Formal?" Ray asks, like how he used to ask her since first year. He only does it the day before the dance because he was nervous when he did it the first time. It sort of became tradition. As usual, some of Ray's fangirls didn't stick around since they knew that Y/n would say yes. But before she does, she spots Anna in the corner of her eye. The blonde girl avoided Y/n's gaze, quickly walking out of school and riding the bus home instead.

Turning back to Ray, the girl bit her lip. "Look, Ray." She says. "You know I'd love to go with you. Really. As I always do, but..."


Y/n smiles. "I love my sister more than anything else in the world. And before I leave for university, I want to give Anna something special."

It was their last Winter Formal. In just a few months, they'd be looking to the future. When Friday night came around, it was as if the fun was going to end. Earlier that day, Y/n nearly dragged Anna to come to the dance. They bonded, doing each other's hair and makeup. But what Anna didn't know was that a surprise was waiting by the door of the house. A knock came around 6:55 pm.

"Anna! It's for you!" Y/n giddily opened the door and called Anna down.

To Anna's surprise, Ray was at the door. He stood there, handsomely, in a tux. In his hands is a bouquet of Anna's favorite flowers. Ray smiles, watching Anna walk down the stairs in her yellow and blue sweetheart dress. It matched her hair and eyes wonderfully. Y/n could barely contain herself, trying not shed a tear as her dearest sister looked absolutely magnificent.

"What's going on?" She asks.

"Anna, I just wanted to let you know that I love you." Y/n placed her hands on her sister's shoulders. "I know that you like Ray as much as I do."


"Listen..." They took a moment to breathe. "I won't be around next year. It's my last Winter Formal, and the only thing I want to remember on this night is to see you smile. I want you to be dancing and having the time of your life!"

Y/n hugs her sister tight. Anna, biting back the tears, returns the embrace. All this time, Y/n knew about Anna's crush. But it wasn't about Ray. It was about making memories. Y/n wanted to see her little sister have a good time. They all head to the school gym and dance the night away. Later that evening, Y/n sits next to Anna on the bleachers. They both watched as everyone continued to party. Ray just went to the bathroom. Y/n turns to Anna.

"Can I tell you something?"

"What is it, Y/n?" Anna takes a sip from her juice. No punch for high school kids.

"I've always been jealous of you."

Anna nearly spits her drink. "No way!"

"I'm serious!"

The sisters share a laugh. For years, their parents paid just a bit more attention to Y/n. She did everything she could so that they'd be proud. Truth be told, Y/n was jealous that Anna got to live knowing her real father. Y/n never had that privilege. And after knowing that Anna had been planning to go to med school, Y/n overwhelmed herself with many things so as to gain her parents' recognition. It was hard on both sisters, but they knew they were loved equally.

"And it's not just that." Y/n sighs. "You're so much more caring and kind than I am. You put others before yourself. I wish I was more like you."

"Oh, Y/n. I didn't know you felt that way."

"Do you...still love me?"

"Of course! I love you more than anything!"

That night, two sisters went down the steps and danced their hearts away.

"Y/n! You still owe me a dance next year!"

"We can dance all you want in uni, Ray!"

The End.

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