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Here are some headcanons cuz I'm gonna fail this semester and I might have my phone taken away so I might as well post this now

• Emma can rap, Ray can beatbox

• Yuugo cannot afford therapy, and that's why sleeping with Lucas is the next best thing (and it's free)

• Nat plays classical and jazz tunes on the piano

• Ray and Norman both listen to Tchaikovsky

• They all listen to lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to

• When bored, Yuugo listens to those waltz songs that you've heard somewhere before

• When Yuugo and Lucas dance in the kitchen <3

• If you ever have to hide a body, Gillian can help

• Zack is a (power) bottom for Oliver and Paula

• Nigel is a bottom (especially for Gillian duh)

• Paula is a top. No you cannot change my mind

• Oliver...switch

• If Mujika was human, she'd be smol and cute as heck

• If Sonju was human, he'd be hot (to an extent cuz I'm not a Sonju simp c'mon)

• You can only imagine Leuvis as a human when he had hair, circa 800

• Amongst the GP members, guess who has the highest body count-

• Ray has a habit of crying himself to sleep

• Studio Ghibli films are the best picks for family movie bonding time

• Ray stans Roselia and Raise A Suilen, Emma stans Poppin' Party and Hello, Happy World

• Norman says he has no opinion on Shrek and Megamind but those are really a few of his favorite movies

• Paula and Gillian have abs

• Phil grows up to be tall, dark, and handsome

• Norman can probably stand really still and nobody would see him

• How can one possibly move on after all that happened?

• Guess who gets therapy

• Yuugo drinks both tea and coffee

• Lucas would indulge himself with wine (and a bubble bath)

• Norman could plan his own wedding if he wanted to

• Norman did the impostor thing before it was cool (among us can suck it)

• Not a headcanon but have you ever thought that Glory Bell kids only get to live to 15...cuz that's the max age that they get shipped out...

• Ray, age 11: "I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory."

• Norman, age 12: "There will be a revolution in this century, enter me."

• I really can't mention any other characters without bursting into tears or putting a spoiler alert cuz nobody reads the fuckin manga-

• Which kid would say "hell" as "H-E-double hockey sticks"

• Despite everything, life is good. That's how the kids choose to see it.

Imagine Emma sitting on a bench in between Ray and Norman. They don't speak a single word, they just watch the sun go down. It's quiet, but it was too loud within the boys' minds. Ray and Norman were thinking and thinking. But that thinking couldn't bring them anywhere. Emma was with them in that moment, but her old self was gone. It broke everyone's hearts.

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