hazy heat • yuugo

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*Slight nsfw? Don't worry, it's kinda close to PG-13 cuz I don't want *redacted* to find this and read it


Ah, the blazing summer heat. Makes you sweat, no? This particular summer was no different from the others you had before. Recently, you've been spending the past few days at home with your boyfriend Yuugo. Neither of you had work today, so that day was nothing but sticky-sweaty boredom and heat. And having dated for five years, you already know Yuugo would want to do something to beat the hot weather. For the whole afternoon, you've both been doing nothing but eating ice cream and cooling down by the fridge- which then stopped working for some reason. And you've run out of ice cream. Now, add in the lack of excitement to deal with.

You and Yuugo sat on the carpeted floor in the living room with at least three fans on and a barely working air conditioner. The windows were wide open too. That aside, you noted that the neighbors (fortunately) weren't home. You wore a large, thin white shirt that belonged to Yuugo and beige pull-on shorts that went down mid-thigh. He wore a grey shirt that had been unbuttoned halfway through and brown shorts that he almost always wore at home.

"I'm bored." He says, wondering if you had something in mind.

"I know." A sigh from you. "I don't know what to do, though."

He clicks his tongue. You were never usually the instigator of things, which is why he always made the first move, and which is why you now found his hand making its way up your thigh and into your shorts. Know that this isn't the first time he's done this. He stops and looks to you before proceeding- consent is important after all. Swallowing a lump in your throat, you nodded to let him continue. He flashes a small smirk before connecting his lips with yours. Your bodies adjust as he gently pushes you down to the floor.

His hot breath tickles your neck, and you nearly jolt as he bites down on your exposed skin. Yuugo uses his free hand to take off your shorts and then goes to take off your shirt, leaving you in your underwear. You wouldn't have known at that moment whether it'd gotten hotter in the room or maybe it was just you.

He goes back and makes a trail of kisses down your neck. The tips of his fingers trail from your shoulder to the indentations of your collarbone, lingering, his fingers stroking the path in a slow, soothing motion. He moves his mouth to that spot and kisses it. The action made you relaxed inside, and it turned you on quite a bit. At this point, the temperature rose and you began to sweat. Yuugo did too which caused him to quickly take off his shirt. He then hoists you up to sit on his lap. This cut you off from your summer daze, the heat escaping your mind for a bit.

"You like sittin' on daddy's lap?" He smirks.

And red goes your face. "Shut up."

He chuckled to himself before kissing you on the lips once again. Fingers lightly trace your sides, all the way down to your hips and thighs. His other hand was on your waist, holding you firm and close. Your arms were around his neck and your fingers lightly gripped his hair. The kissing went on, a few love bites here and there. This day turned out to be an afternoon of sweaty bodies, crazed minds, roaming hands, clothes on the floor, and love in the hazy heat. But unfortunately, the fun stopped there.

The doorbell rang.

"Yuugo? Y/n? Open up!" Came a bright and cheery, all-too-familiar voice from the door.

"Is that...Emma?" You got off your boyfriend's legs and rapidly put back on your shirt and shorts. You go to open the door and see Emma, Lucas, and some of your other friends.

"Damnit." Yuugo grumbles under his breath. "Ruined my fun-time." He gets up and puts his shirt back on.

Lucas, Emma, and the others came by to get the both of you, inviting you to a fun day out to the beach. Guess that'll add just a bit more excitement to your hot day.

the end.

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