yuugo as your husbando

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Me: I should focus on my novel
(Also yes I'm back on my bullshit..........damnit)


• He likes putting his arm around you whenever at home or outside

• He likes taking care of you when you're sick

• He teases you and calls you his sexy nurse when he's sick

• He loves it when you sit on his lap.... at any given circumstance

• His favorite places to make out is on the couch and on the bed

• He likes pinning you against the wall

• He won't mind doing some kinky stuff once in a while

• He likes cuddling but won't always admit it

• He let's you pick the movies but if you're indecisive he suggests something you both agree on

• He can cook for you sometimes

• You. Are. The. Little. Spoon.

• Showers together are frequent

• Gets protective when other people show an interest in you

• Will shower you with attention and affection when you need it

• C O O K I E S

• What do you think his love language is

• He gazes at you with such tenderness and care that whenever he sets his eyes on you, it makes him fall in love again. He has that glow in his eyes and a soft smile etched on his face.

• Sometimes, the teasing can go too far...

• It's bad when you fight, it's all shouting and angry red faces

• But the reconciliation is quiet and solemn

• He's often touch starved and so are you

• Honest feelings can go a long way

• You called him daddy one time during woohoo and he'll never let you live it down

• Going out mostly consists of trips to the grocery store or a walk in the park depending on both your moods

• He's actually good at roller skating

• He likes to impress you

• Sleeping together in the same bed is amazing

• He's so warm

• You hate waking up to face his armpits (the hair nearly got in your eye)

• You don't mind waking up to his chest or back tho...

• He has soft hair and you could play with it all day if you wanted to

• You know what else you could play with.........

• Video games duh

• He's not lying if he'll say he wants to hit it from behind....



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