ugh another a/n again? seriously?

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I'm probably ending this book at 40 or 50 parts.

Also, I might start writing my originals, seriously this time...I mean, I hope? Once the world recovers from this pandemic, I hope everything goes back to normal.

Cuz I need to go to school to learn better. This online school is bullshit and nobody learned jack shit. Covid is bullshit and jack shit too. Just plain fucking shit that ruined the world. I'm so mad.

Anyway, even though nobody's supporting me right now with my short stories and shit that I'm desperately trying to write, I'm gonna keep trying.

I mean, people say they gonna support me but they lyin straight outta their asses. I know that being an author would take me years to achieve but I hope I can get a headstart through Wattpad...and I hope someone might see that I have potential...

Anyway peace out

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