selfish type • sonju

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Kinda short, sorry
I am in absolute pain today cuz I hit my elbow really hard on the door and I think I dislocated my elbow bone
Also I'm writing this in the middle of the night mwahahaha sleep is for the sane!


Most people are scared of being alone. Sometimes, people lie to cover this up. People can be selfish when it comes to certain things. They're selfish because they're afraid.

You grew up happily in an orphanage with all the people whom you considered a family. Together, you all lived under the bright sun. Next thing you knew, you had discovered the dark secret of the place you called home. It was after learning morse code that you understood the word "FARM" on the owl stamp of a book's inner cover. You then found the pen that was hidden within the house floorboards. Everything was falling into place.

You were desperate to escape, but what of your family? Realizing that you were just a selfish brat deep down inside, you had to cover up that fact under the mask that said 'I don't want my family to suffer the journey.'

Having escaped the orphanage alone on the night of your 12th birthday, you ventured alone into the demon world. In the woods, you encountered two friendly demons named Mujika- who is actually the friendly one- and Sonju.

You had then asked them for refuge and for them to give you a ride to a place quite far away from where you were. As expected, Mujika was kind enough to bring you along with them. Sonju, on the other hand, was wary of you. In the end, he reluctantly had to comply with the two smaller figures. And although Sonju was even more than unwilling to let you ride with him, he let you anyway. He had nothing to lose except his appetite. (The demon had thought of wanting to devour you but later changed his mind.)

*There's two horses btw

The ride was about as quiet as you'd expect. It delighted you beyond words to know that you didn't have to make small talk with two creatures you know nothing about. The taller one seems to distrust you but you paid him no mind. You didn't trust him either.

Two days have passed since you came across the pair. Mujika has recently taken a liking to you and that's absolutely fine since you liked talking to her as well. Besides, the girl was a thousand times more fun to ride with than with doubtful Sonju on the other horse. He's been trying to decipher you for the past 48 hours, trying to find out your true intentions. Unfortunately, he wasn't really good with humans, only good at hunting them.

Coming to a rest stop, you got off the eight-legged demon horse and helped Mujika down after. She later went off to drink water at the nearby lake, which then left you alone with Sonju.

"I don't trust you." He speaks out of the blue.

"I know." You said flatly. "I don't trust you either."

Sonju looks down at you. He crouches down to your height and threatens you- or at least attempted to.

"What are you hiding, little human?"

You looked up at Sonju. And you smiled.

"A secret I'm taking to my grave."

The conversation abruptly ended there as Mujika came back. Your journey with the demons resumes. The next opportunity for a conversation with Sonju came up eight days into the trip. Once more, you two were left alone.

"We're both selfish in a way, huh?"

"I suppose so."

Those were the only words spoken. Many more days passed, which then turned into months. The day were mostly filled with silence, some filled with nothing at all. The day came that you had to continue the journey on your own. You thank Mujika for everything. Turning to Sonju, you thanked him as well. You told him a small, and perhaps meaningless, message before you left.

"If we ever meet again one day, I'll reserve myself so I can be the first human you'll get to eat."

You part ways as friends.

On foot, you finally arrived at the place that was on the pen. It's been nearly a year since you escaped. You found a way to skip past the bunker and Goldy Pond, heading straight for the place called the 'Paradise Hideout.' Inside, you met the man whose name is William Minerva. You told him about how you came here on foot and asked him for a favor.

"What about your family?"

"I want you to save them from the farm. The only reason why I didn't escape with them is because I was too afraid to expose them to the terrors of the outside. I didn't want to have to hurt them in that way. Naturally, I wanted to suffer the burden alone."

"Ah, quite the selfish type, are we?"

You looked up at Minerva. And you smiled.

"Aren't we all?"

the end.

Wow okay that was shit. Goodnight.

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