nap time • rayanna

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She's pretty, is what he first thought. Her hair is what initially caught his attention. She owned lemon-like tresses; she put it up in a different hairstyle everyday. Next was her kind face. The expression she held was the sort of softness that you could only show when dealing with kids in spite of all the crying they do.

"Excuse me..." the man awkwardly stood outside, calling out to the female babysitter. He attempted to hide at least half of his body at the door to avoid being seen by the children inside.

"Good morning." The woman smiles. "My name is Anna, how can I help you?" She looked to be in her early twenties, same as the man.

"Uh, hi. I'm Ray.l He carefully shakes her hand. "I was called to work here."

"Oh! So you're the Chairwoman's son?"

"Yes... that's me."

Earlier that week, Ray's mother, Isabella, called and asked him to come work at the daycare for a while since the other teacher who worked there was hospitalized due to a heart condition. Ray, although he hasn't spoken to Isabella for months, accepts since he had nothing better to do. Well, he did some freelance jobs but working at a daycare wouldn't hurt, right?

Subsequently, Ray had to retreat back to his hometown. He dropped by his old school, where Isabella is now the chairwoman, and she explained to him the rules, also since she oversees the daycare that was built behind the school. (Some of the students were allowed to come play with toddlers for stress relief- and it helped a lot.) The daycare is responsible for taking care of the kids of the teachers in the school. While the parents were working, the kids would have at least two babysitters.

"Everyone! I would like you all to welcome Ray! He'll be staying with us for a while."

The children erupted out in cheer and other side comments.

"Yay! Yay!"

"Why dos he wook wike a cycwops?"

"Can we pway?"

"I'm hungwy!"

Ray internally sighs. This was going to be a long day. Overall, there were six children, five toddlers around the age of five and an infant at the age of two. And much to Anna's surprise, Ray is actually good with handling the kids. He managed to survive a whole afternoon, keeping a level head throughout.

To be fair, he liked working with Anna. If you asked her, she'd say she enjoyed working with him. It wasn't all that bad. Though I have to mention the glances thrown around, sneaking and looking away afterwards. Little blushes and genuine smiles, joyous laughter and the warmth of the sun.

"Alright, nap time, children!"


A series of giggles erupted from the children as they watched Ray lie down as if he was collapsing.

"Ray..." Anna sighs.

But Ray actually fell asleep. As much as he tried to keep up with the kids and their full gauge energy, Ray wanted to nap for a bit. The little toddlers gathered around the man and rested. To Anna, it looked like a mother hen with her chicks. It's cute. Later on, the teachers came by to pick their children up. Soon, Anna and Ray were left alone. Anna wondered if Isabella would come by to pick his son up. That would be quite hilarious.

"Are they gone?"

"Yes. Were you awake this whole time?"

"Just woke up, but I'm going back to sleep."

Ray stares at the blonde beauty for a while. He gets up to rest his head on Anna's lap and shushed her before she could say anything.

"Wake me up later." Ray says.

Anna smiles. "Guess I'll have to extend your nap time."

the end.

Um, sorry if it wasn't super fluffy...

Anyway, me and my family are going out to have a test check if we got hit by covid...I'll be sure to tell you guys if we get results

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