a good life • ray

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(I am so tired. I might end the book. End my nonexistent career too)
(Last request of the year...see y'all suckers in 2021)

Knowing the truth had cost Ray a chance of experiencing the fleeting happiness that his siblings had in Grace Field. But despite being deprived of such joy, he cherishes the people most closest to him. Originally, the boy planned to escape with just Emma and Norman. Y/n was also Ray's best friend but he knows she won't make it. Being a year older, she was inevitably going to be shipped out.

Year 2043. It was a bright December morning. Ray was still around 9 years old that year, while Y/n was at the age of 10. Unfortunately, Y/n's shipping date has been set in stone. As much as he wanted to save her, it's too late...

"Hello? Earth to Ray?"

He gets pulled out of his thoughts. A hand waved at his face. It was Y/n.

"Geez, I know you love reading books but pay attention, will ya?"


And there she was, right beside him, her arms on the back of her head as she reclined on the grass. They were underneath the shade of a tree, relaxing out of the sun's gaze. It's a normal day. Everyone went out to play after breakfast and the daily test. Ray had stuck his head in a book, like he always does, except this time he wasn't entirely paying attention to the book itself.

"As I was saying, I'm gonna miss you guys." She smiles, reminiscing.

Y/n is optimistic like Emma, but is also rational like Norman. She's often blunt but honest at heart. Being one of the oldest kids remaining, the big sister knew she would eventually have to say goodbye to everyone. It saddens her to think that she'll be separated from the people she considers her family. If anything, Y/n wished she wouldn't be adopted at all. Although she knew not the fate that awaits her, it would relieve the girl if she knew that her siblings would go live to see another day.

She sits up. "Don't tell anyone, but," Y/n whispers. "I feel like I'll die as soon as I step out the gate."

She turns and gives Ray a serious look. For a second, his heart had skipped a beat in fear. Then she chortled. Ray scoffs. Unbelievable, he rolls his eyes. Y/n jokes around often but she means well. At least she's serious when it comes to the well-being of her siblings. One thing she teaches them is to never be controlled by fear. Yet despite having fears like any other kid, she perpetually manages to sweep them away to the back of her mind. She procrastinates on overcoming her fears.

"Don't you worry about a thing, Ray. I'm just messing with you!"

"Yeah... I know."

Regrettably, all good things come to an end. And for Y/n, her end was coming too soon. The blanket of the night covers the sky above Grace Field. It was January 2044, mere hours before Ray's birthday. The children were all saying their goodbyes, wishing a good life for the girl. They tell her to write, they cry out to her, reminding her to not forget them. She could only do one of either. As Y/n hugged all her siblings goodbye, she got down to the final three. Her best friends in the entire world. She goes to hug Norman first.

"You're a very special boy, Norman. I hope you use that big brain of yours wisely. Use it to help the ones you love."

Y/n moves to Emma, ruffling her bright hair and embracing her. They share a light laugh. It was Y/n's last.

"Emma, no matter what happens, I want you to protect our family. But don't forget about yourself, ok? Make everyone happy, smile together with them."

Last but not least, Ray. They stand in silence, unable to share any goodbyes. Everyone watched, unknowing of what was really going on. There was something bigger than all of them; the rest of children just don't know it yet. After a moment, Y/n grins. But then it melts into a heartfelt smile.

"I won't hug you. But you'll have my warmth with you everywhere you go, every step you take, and every second you breathe."

Ray slowly smiles back. For the first time, he swallows back a tear.

"If you're going to do something, anything at all, always do it for them. Remember that."

Sniffling, Ray playfully scoffs. "Don't be so cheesy. Just say you're gonna miss us."

"I don't have to. You guys already know it. Besides, no other family could replace the one I already have."

With one last goodbye to the children, Isabella leads Y/n out of the house. Outside, a breeze blows cold, imminent death waiting by the gates with terrible creatures unknown to Y/n. It was almost frightening. But Y/n never lets fear win over her.

"You know something, Mama?"

"Yes, dear?"

"I lived a good life. Don't you think so?"

Isabella twitches.

The clock strikes 12. Ray turns 10. Y/n stays 10.

The end.

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