secret garden • emma

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Y'all know Kaoru Seta from bang dream? She's my inspiration for this oneshot
✧ (◕‿◕) ✧

a/n: Y'all know Kaoru Seta from bang dream? She's my inspiration for this oneshot ✧ (◕‿◕) ✧

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Emma, the young princess of her beloved kingdom, watched from her window as suitors came day by day and lined up to ask for her hand. Not interested in princes from faraway kingdoms, she instead sneaks outside the palace.

Hidden by a curtain of vines, Emma runs off to her secret garden in the forest. She entered an open garth covered entirely by nature's work. The sun graciously shone upon the place. Leaves, vines, flowers, and various plants were everywhere and everything was in its place. All except for the person that laid unconscious right at the end of the entrance tunnel.

The person on the ground is a young woman who looked to be a few years older than Emma. She was dressed in such ornate clothing that could only be worn by a royal. In other words, this lady is a princess. Though, Emma did find it odd that she wore clothing that would usually be worn by a prince- and that very well included pants and a nice pair of high lace-up boots.

Emma crouches down and lightly shook the other princess. A soft gasp emits as she wakes from her slumber. The girl looks up to Emma's emerald orbs.

'My princess...' She mutters under her breath subconsciously.


'Ah! My apologies.' The other princess gets up and takes a knee. 'Thank you for waking me, oh fairest maiden.' She kisses the top of Emma's hand.

'My name is Y/n. A great pleasure to meet you, m'lady.'

'The pleasure is all mine. And my name is Emma.'

'Emma...such a wonderful name for a comely princess such as yourself.'

Y/n tells Emma of how she ended up in the garden; she was traveling on her horse from the next kingdom to take a breather from royal duties. Her horse later ran away unexpectedly when she wasn't looking. By nighttime, Y/n discovered the secret garden and fell asleep there.

(a/n: oh boy has my writing ever been this bland)

Y/n, with the generous help of Princess Emma, later found her horse by a pond. With that, Y/n had to sadly go back home before the moon rose. On the next day, and the days after that, Y/n and Emma would come to meet at their hidden paradise and they would get to know each other more as they slowly fall in love. Both princesses often find themselves dancing, in each other's arms, in the garden, free from the disturbance of their daily lives as royalty. Y/n would lead the dance, seeing as how she was almost a prince in terms of appearances and mannerisms.

More often than not, Emma would ask her friends- two of the guards at the palace named Yuugo and Lucas- to keep it a secret when Emma would sneak Y/n into the palace. And before the sun set, Y/n would be helped out of the window to sneak out safely. Of course, she would come again the next day.

Then one day, Y/n came to the garden with a frown. She sat by the flowerbeds, an unsettling mood taking over the girls. Emma was worried. Y/n sighs.

'Emma, I have some... upsetting news.' The girl fell silent before continuing. 'My mother and father had chosen someone for me to marry by the end of the month.'

Emma had every right to be worried, and now after receiving the news, she's devastated. Her eyes widen in distress. Before she could say anything, Y/n reassures that she wouldn't want to marry someone she doesn't love.

'Whoever that person is, I can't be with them because I already love someone else. And the one I love is you, Emma.'

Emma's eyes widen again, this time in pure shock. Even more so when Y/n steals a kiss.

'Don't worry, I'll go back and talk to them. I promise to come back for you Emma.'

Y/n went off to mount her horse and waved Emma goodbye- but not for the last time. Emma blushes, recalling the kiss. That won't be the last time Y/n would do that again either.

Days went by until Y/n returned again. Emma sat outside the garden, waiting by a rock. In the distance, she hears a horse whinnying. And there she came, the princess dressed in white and gold who came riding upon her white steed with intense grandeur. She has come back for her one true love.



You could guess what happens next.

the end.

a/n: I finally figured out what I did wrong...I should've written Ray angst at the very start of this book

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