wait for it • oliver

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"Death doesn't discriminate
Between the sinners and the saints
It takes and it takes and it takes
And we keep living anyway
We rise and we fall and we break
And we make our mistakes
And if there's a reason I'm still alive
When everyone who loves me has died
I'm willing to wait for it."


Like all the others, Y/n lost those who were important to her. The teen holds a deep hatred for the demons, as well as a burning regret in her heart. Often she asks herself; why live when death is inevitable?

"Y/n? Are you ok?" A friend approached.

"Huh?" She looked up. "Oh, yes, I'm fine."

Oliver sits next to her, giving a weak smile. Y/n was internally relieved to see him. Out of everyone, Y/n would rely on Oliver the most. The boy is strong-willed and brave. He chooses to protect those closest to him, and that very well included Y/n. She's thankful for him but, regrettably, the girl is the complete opposite of Oliver. She is nothing but a coward. All she wants to do is hide.

"The music's about to start soon, remember to take cover." He stood up to go do whatever it is that he did during hunts.

"Yeah, take care." She replied nonchalantly as she watched him walk away.

It's been this way for a few years. Y/n always went to hide ever since her first day in Goldy Pond. She listened to Oliver but the rest of the children didn't. In the chaos, she lost two pieces of her heart. Oliver tried to help Y/n, but she only dismissed him. She didn't wish to know the truth, she refused to be a part of their group. Y/n asked to be left alone. Oliver came around again later and began talking to her. She learned to trust him eventually but still refused to be a part of the bigger picture.

"This is the worst music I've ever heard." Y/n complains to nobody in particular. Although she did hide during most hunts, there were the times she actually participated. But not as the prey. She likes to see herself as an invisible third party. Whenever possible, she rescues the little ones who're doomed to die in mere seconds.

She says to herself, "I don't even know why I'm doing this." But deep inside, she knows all too well why. Only, she won't admit it out loud.

Ever so often, she only gets to rescue at least two children. That's the least she could do. Y/n couldn't risk her own life too much. She already lost her foot once. Why tempt the fates? And when she does end up injured, she heads straight to relief aid. After the hunt, Oliver would approach her again, asking her the usual questions.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

She gives the same replies. It's all the same. Oliver would never ask about what she did, even though he knew that she tried her best to protect others aside from herself. Call it a heroic act, if one will, but it was merely something to ease her guilt. It had been killing her on the inside. And for six years in Goldy Pond, Y/n would never smile, nor would she talk to others. She could see the kid she saved today, but he or she might wind up dead in the next hunt. What else could she possibly do? She's already helpless on her own.

Truth be told, Y/n knew some of the secrets. She's read the morse codes on the books but spoke of it to nobody and simply turned a blind eye. Even when seeing a demon for the first time, she chooses to ignore the truth. But now that she's here, there must've been a reason as to why she's been alive this whole time. Was it coincidence? Luck? Fate?

There came a new day. Somehow, Y/n knew that everything was about to change. She knew that Oliver and his group were planning to put an end to Goldy Pond once and for all.

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