be my valentine • oliver

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I will not be bothered to reread the manga just to know how he talks or whatever. But anyway I'm doing this for you guys. Happy Singles Awareness Day btw (look it up)

Also im kinda setting this in modern day with covid (ugh i know but dont say anything)


A dreaded day has come- Valentine's Day. A day where lovers come to spend time together and whatever. But it was a Sunday, so it's not all that bad. The best part was that your boyfriend Oliver is coming over to your place today; as he always does on weekends. Good thing your parents were over at your grandparents' place checking on the old-timers. As Oliver arrived, he made sure to wash and sanitize his hands properly and remove his mask before going to hug you. Moving to the couch, you and Oliver talked about school. It was your last year, after all. Being seniors carried a lot of pressure.

"Did you do all your homework?" Oliver asked.

"All except one." You say.

"What's left?"


He snorts and blushes while you began giggling. It's times like these that make you glad to be with him. You're glad to have him as your best friend (and boyfriend too). Even though it was a holiday, today felt ordinary. And what better way to spend this normal yet wonderful day than to eat sweets and watch tv with Oliver? Of course, you know you can't go out due to the pandemic. But it's nice to just stay at home with the one you love. With packs of chocolate from the pantry and cake from the fridge, one of your favorite movies is put on and you snuggle up next to your beloved with his arm slung around you.

"Hey, Y/n?" Halfway into the movie, Oliver looks at you.

You turn your gaze to him. "Yeah?"

"Be my valentine." He says.

"Oliver... we've been each other's valentines since middle school."

"I know. Just making sure you'd still say yes."

You smile and gaze into each other's eyes, already ignoring the movie. Oliver tilts your chin up to kiss you. You kiss back, moving your hand to the back of his head to pull him closer. Shifting weights, adjusting bodies, you end up sitting on his lap and continued making out. His hand slithers down to your waist, the other up to your hair. Your arms go around his neck and your legs locked against his hips. After a while, you both stop to take a breath. He smiles again.

"Happy valentine's day." Oliver pecks you on the forehead.

"Happy valentine's day." You decide to initiate making out again.

In the corner of your eye, you noticed that you missed the best parts of the movie. But it didn't matter. Kissing Oliver was more worth it. And who knows? Maybe you might've gotten a little valentines treat later that day?

the end.


Happy valentines everyone! Even tho yall probably single as hell...

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