a/n regarding the tpn anime

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Listen to me ok

We already got people hating on the manga ending, hating on how optimistically idiotic Emma is or whatever (she doesn't deserve it, I love her), hating on Andrew and Peter (they deserve it tho), hating on other aspects of the manga for some dumb fucking reason, and-

Hold on, I ain't done yet-

We got people hating on the anime now too, especially with season 2, specifically episode 3. I know we're all disappointed that we didn't see Yuugo but we can't really blame Shirai and the production team. That's their decision. All the other fans on twitter and instagram can do all the hating but please, for the love of Phil and all things good, let us not.

I know you all have your opinions...but I do not want to see that shit so keep them off of wattpad.

Let the anime go on its own way. If they want to tell the story differently then just stop watching it. It's literally so easy to drop a series. I didn't even watch season 1 of tpn and nothing is gonna change that.

If the anime changes the introduction for Yuugo and the others, or- dear lord have mercy- remove them, then...at least don't riot...? Don't be like some motherfuckers around here ok. If you gon complain then keep it down bitch seriously

It's ok to be mad but don't be mad mad y'know what I mean?

It's not supposed to get this fucking deep but I just needed to tell y'all that I will be terminating tpn from my life if things go south for the anime (which is gonna be hard for me cuz I scheduled an Emma layout profile for the whole month of August and for her birthday)
(Yes I have a monthly profile change ok I have specific characters and pairings but based on their bdays)

But either way after the anime is done airing, it'll be out of my life. And then I have to find a new obsession ugh...

Anyway whatever I'm just rambling don't mind me ok. Don't bash me ok

Also I wanted to talk about something regarding the Emma hate I mentioned at the beginning...

There's someone...not mentioning any names at all...who doesn't really like Emma (well we can just say hate) and called her a "cardboard cutout shonen"

I just wanted to let you know, that despite whatever the anime showed you or that the manga ending was wasted, you cannot hate this sun.

She's sweet, beautiful, wonderful, dynamic, strong, smart, extremely kind and caring, and literally willing to risk everything even if she wouldn't get a happy ending for herself. She'd probably give up her arm if it came to that. Do you know how bold you have to be to just put your entire family of 60+ people before your own? Not me. I'm selfish. I only watch out for myself. I can never be like Emma. I can never even hope to be someone like her...

But the main reason that I love her is because she gives me hope. There aren't many popular shonen series with female leads such as Emma so I can't really compare her with, let's say Deku, cuz they're both entirely different leads. But they're cut from the same cloth of hope. There's no fucking cardboard cutout, just a big ass cloth that they get all the shonen main characters from. (Don't @ me im letting out my true feelings for the first time in years)

Emma is that one factor that you can see in every singl media existing...

That everything's gonna be okay.

Emma gives me that hope and there's nothing and nobody who will change that for me.

Peace out.

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