oliver as your boyfriend

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• He likes giving you flowers and gifts

• You love his hair

• He likes giving you a lot of kisses


• He will always back you up, even when singing duets in the shower

• I shouldn't tell you this but he has a hidden kinky side

• Always gets incredibly flustered when you make a move on him

• He gives the best massages (meaning he's also good with his hands wink wonk)

• Shares the same music taste as you

• He gets sad sometimes and you hate seeing that so you just give him lots of love

• He pouts when he gets jealous, it's cute, but you assure him that he is the only one you love

• Binging anime together? Hell yeah

• You (could) both simp for each other

• Absolute yearning, that's it

• I'm not saying he's perfect but yeah he's perfect

• Hwgwnwwwhhwwwww

• You send each other heart memes everyday

• Look at you guys, such a harmonious couple

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• Look at you guys, such a harmonious couple

• You don't fight very often but when it does happen, you two end up kissing and making out (as a way of saying sorry to each other)

• Hoodies. Big sleeves to smack each other with

• Either flirting game is through the roof or it's just completely awkward. There's no in between

• Sweet compliments and lingering kisses all around

• Hmm. Pining

• It actually took him a while to build up the nerve to ask you out, and when you said yes, he didn't think he'd get that far

• But he loves you just the way you are

• And you love him just the way he is

*If you wanna add some more, please do so
*I'm allowing you to simp here but please don't be thirsty
*Valentines oneshot special with Oliver (probably) coming on February 14th

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