fiery emeralds • emma

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a/n: I better not be the only one who's whipped for Emma-


Art is complex yet so beautiful. It is the same for the art of love. There are fleeting moments, yet they are everlasting.

Y/n gently holds the paintbrush, but before it touches the canvas, her hand stops. She doesn't know what to paint. Her mind came up blank. What's more, she needs something to sketch first. For that, she needed a muse. Which is why the young artist went and rented a cottage in a small town by the sea. She went there looking for inspiration... and yet she found something even better.

The sun smiled and graced the scenic town with its beautiful rays of sunshine. Beams of light reflected off the waters and sparkled like there's no tomorrow. Quite a gorgeous view, but not entirely inspiring for Y/n. Wandering along the shore, she comes across a shell bracelet in the sand. A name was engraved on it.


From a few feet away, a girl approached. As soon as Y/n made eye contact, she immediately fell head over heels with a pair of fiery emerald eyes. She knew, right on the spot, that she finally found a muse. Y/n had never blushed this hard in her entire life upon seeing the girl walk up close.

'Excuse me, I think you found my bracelet.'

Despite how the girl's beauty bewitched the artist, Y/n kept her composure. 'Then, I take it you're Emma?'

'Yep! Nice to meet you!'

Emma held out her hand and gave a friendly smile. Shaking the dainty hand of the fair maiden, Y/n introduced herself nervously and gave back Emma's bracelet. As the two hit it off and went out for drinks, Y/n swore she could've felt her brain melt away and her heart take over her entire system. This nearly distracted Y/n from what she came to do.

'Emma, would you mind if I make a sketch of you?'

Of course, Emma obliges. The girls head to the seaside cabin, where Y/n begins a sketch of the girl and her magnificent verdant eyes. Graphite pencil scratches on paper, heartbeat echoes in a girl's head, two quiet girls sharing a moment of peace. Slow breathing, bodies both still and moving. Sneaking glances, blushing, perhaps staring a bit too long than necessary.

'There. I'm done sketching.'

Emma breaks away from her stillness and jumps over to Y/n's side. Her eyes widened in amazement. 'Wow! I've never seen a sketch of me before! You're amazing, Y/n.'

The artist's cheeks flush pink. As she goes to an empty canvas to start painting, Emma sits by and watches. Y/n, although a bit embarrassed, started to work her magic. Almost an hour passed by- Y/n taking her time as to not mess up the painting- and the final product reveals to be a masterpiece.

'Y/n, it's... beautiful.' Emma was at a loss for words.

The painting's focal point is the fiery emeralds that belonged to Emma. Every detail was successfully captured on the canvas; the sparkle in her eyes, the love emitting from it, the lovely eyelashes that curled, eyes that were soft yet strong. Emma's eyes are indeed beautiful. Heavenly, stunning, magnificent, exquisite. Truly, Y/n fell in love.

She came to the town for inspiration, and she found something even better...she found love.

the end.

a/n: Again, sorry that it's pretty short...
I have been taking care of myself (honestly) y'know getting some sleep and taking breaks but sometimes I just need a little push so I can write a bit better...although sometimes I'm cursed to not write anything good which makes me not in the mood to write but I'll keep on writing and I hope you guys keep supporting me, thank you

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