ending this for real

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I started both oneshot books with ray oneshots and so I'm ending it all with ray oneshots

It's time to end this

2021 hasn't been the best, but it was better compared to 2020... January did not go off to a good start like most of us expected and I'm not blaming anything or anyone for it (cough cough yknow)

But anyway it's March and I hope we make the most of the rest of the year

Thank you. So fricking much. To everyone who read, voted, and commented on all my oneshots for the past year. I love you all so much, even if y'all are giving me a damn headache sometimes. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!

I am grateful for all the support everyone has shown me all this time and I hope we can continue to go on this journey of writing and being dumb as hell because none of us know how to write

This time, I'll most likely be working towards originals. I'll be starting with flash fiction and short stories so I hope you're all here to read it (keep watch on my profile lol)

Thank you again, I love you all!!!

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