a fairytale • norman

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a/n: Please watch Snow White With The Red Hair cuz it is so damn good and underrated ALSO Zen Wisteria has pale hair and blue eyes like Norman so it could totally work here

a/n: Please watch Snow White With The Red Hair cuz it is so damn good and underrated ALSO Zen Wisteria has pale hair and blue eyes like Norman so it could totally work here

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Once upon a time, His Highness Prince Norman Minerva, son of the late King William Minerva, has been recently in search of a bride. Soon to take the throne, the young prince would take the hand of any beautiful woman who he deems worthy to be his queen. So far, almost all of the women in the kingdom were not worthy at all.

In his chambers in the palace, Norman got himself ready to go out- not as himself, but disguised as a commoner- for him to escape the nagging of his royal advisors. At the age of nineteen, he was basically a ninja when it comes to sneaking out; he's been doing it for quite a few years now. Slipping past the guards, Norman heads to the town plaza and enjoys his peaceful time alone. Disguised in a beige-colored coat with a matching fedora and black-rimmed glasses, he was quite afraid that someone would recognize him. Even though he went out most of the time, the boy would have a different disguise for every time he mingled amongst the people. He would often hide his face just to be safe.

As he was window shopping, a hooded person comes running in his direction. He couldn't see the person's face clearly but he could tell they were running away. Thinking it was a thief, Norman discreetly sticks out his foot and trips the runner. As soon as they fell, and with a loud oof, a group of children run around the corner and approach Norman.

'Thanks for the help, mister!' One of the kids grinned. Norman felt a bit relieved to think that he stopped a robbery in the streets. Who would even think to rob from children?

'We win this time, big sis!' A little boy let out a triumphant laugh with the others. The Crown Prince was taken aback.

A little girl helps the person get up. The person takes off their hood to reveal a young woman- who now has a bruise on her face from when she tripped. She glowers at Norman. Without a word, she walks away with the group of children. They're orphans, Norman thought. And is she an orphan too?

He ended up following them into the outskirts of the kingdom, somewhere in the forest areas. Norman mentally notes that it lied within the kingdom's borders, and he never bothered to explore much of it. Down on the left path, he sees a small quaint church and a small wooden cabin right next to it. He then spots the girl, who had at least fifteen children crowding her at the time. With caution, he approaches.

'Look! It's the guy who tripped big sis!' The kid from earlier spots Norman.

The mysterious girl turns to face him with an annoyed look. Several children flock over like birds asking Norman to play with them. The girl they referred to as "Big sis" whistles and tells the children to go back inside. They follow obediently.

'You.' She glares at him once more. 'What are you doing here?'

'I am here to apologize for my actions earlier.'

She makes a hmph sound and turns to walk inside. Norman grabs a hold of her hand before she can go anywhere.

'I genuinely am sorry.'

They stay there for five seconds, and the girl pulls her hand away and says that she believes him.

'What's your name?' She asks Norman. He had never been asked this before so he quickly lied.


'Funny, you don't look like a James to me. I'm Y/n.'

And ever since they met, Norman and the girl whose name is Y/n have been meeting each other in the forest. Turns out, she came from a neighboring kingdom- which is why she could never recognize the prince at first- in search of something to fill her life. The orphan children contributed greatly to that and so did Norman. (Also, Y/n wasn't an orphan. Her parents recently died.) Imagine her shock upon finding out that the boy who tripped her on the street was actually the next king.

Y/n, although a kind and soft-hearted village girl, can be spunky and stubborn at times. Norman fell for her because of this and as he got to know her, he then decided that she is the one for him. Y/n, on the other hand, was pissed at Norman for a while, but admittedly fell for him as well. Then in the end, Norman's coronation was held before the two of them got married. Later after, Y/n was crowned queen. And like in the fairytales, the king and queen lived happily ever after.

the end.

a/n: Don't forget to vote and comment!

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