morning rain • norman

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a/n: this is rewritten version of a norman oneshot I wrote in my other book (guess which one haha) also you're adults here so don't worry


There's something about the rain that always calms me.

And in the calm of the morning, the sweet, alluring smell of fresh coffee tickles your nose just right. It gives you a feeling of ease, exhaling slowly after taking a whiff of the hot beverage. You see the smoke rising up, the aroma enters your nose, calling out to you to be drank. Connecting your lips to the cup, you were greeted with a strong taste of the day. You smile in contentment. The way Norman makes your coffee still hasn't changed, and you still love it after all these years.

Norman comes into the enclosed patio of your house and joins you on the couch with his morning coffee in hand. You two peck each other on the lips before turning your attention to the view outside. It was raining, just a light shower really, stunning droplets of water hitting the ground like diamonds. It calmed you, especially while watching this rain with your beloved Norman right beside you.

The morning rain served as a delightful treat along with the coffee you had. It didn't rain too hard, thankfully. Perks of living in a nice neighborhood. And although not many people like the rain, watching it like this kinda makes you feel like you're in a music video or a tv commercial. Plus, the silence between you and Norman was tranquil. It made your morning seem almost perfect.

"Y/n." He looked over to you.


"You look lovely today."

"Thanks, Norman," you smiled.

As you two finished your mugs of coffee, the rain and the soothing silence remains. Soon, the rain lets up. But that didn't stop you from watching. The sun gradually makes its way up and out to the blue sky. The clouds gingerly drift away, making sure that the sun glowed in the sky. Rays of sun dropped by your place, illuminating it for a brighter day.

Having finished your coffee by then, you later take Norman's mug to kitchen after he'd finished his drink. As you were washing, you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist. You chuckle, waiting for your wonderful husband to tell you what he wanted.

"Let's go back to bed," he whispered by your ear.

You laugh under your breath.

"After I'm done washing."

Norman didn't let go until you were done. And after that, you both made your way back to your comfortable bed. Well, he actually carried you there. Crashing back on your shared king-sized bed, a sound of relief erupts from your mouth. You roll around to face Norman. He rolls around to face you.

"I'm so glad I married you, Norman."

"I'm glad I married you too, Y/n."

As your fingers intertwine with his, you began to fall into a nap. Until Norman reminded you of something.

"Remember when we were in high school? You used to hate the rain." He chuckles at the memories. "It's like the weather hated you especially when you forgot your umbrella."

You open your eyes, a mixed look of embarrassment, disbelief, and anger etched on your face. It made Norman laugh.

"Don't laugh! I hated those days in high school!"

"Those were the days I met you, remember?"

"Well, yeah..."

For the most part, your high school days were one of the worst memories. As much as you hated those days, you also loved it because it was when you met Norman, and that's when your life turned around. The love of your life squeezes your hand. He lovingly gazes into your eyes.

"I'm grateful that the crazy weather allowed me to fall in love with you back then."


to be continued...

*flashback/prequel is up next

a/n: this oneshot sucks

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