part 2 of me ranting cuz

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[spoiler alert]

I looked up reviews for the 3rd episode and I just came across the reddit threads (im not a redditor geez what do yall think of me)
And i found these

I looked up reviews for the 3rd episode and I just came across the reddit threads (im not a redditor geez what do yall think of me)And i found these

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I mean his entrance is iconic and Emma got to elbow him in the nuts! It's funny and amazing (but not for him)

I mean his entrance is iconic and Emma got to elbow him in the nuts! It's funny and amazing (but not for him)

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They better not skip Goldy Pond. It's so important and action-packed and they introduce the best characters
The people will riot if they skip that arc or mess it up
The Oliver simps will combust
They also cannot keep Yuugo in Goldy Pond cuz it dont make sense (then how is he supposed to have that one image reunion with Lucas that I love so much)

 It's so important and action-packed and they introduce the best characters The people will riot if they skip that arc or mess it up The Oliver simps will combustThey also cannot keep Yuugo in Goldy Pond cuz it dont make sense (then how is he supp...

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When they opened the piano room(?) i was wondering why the hell was it so dark inside??
Also the room where it said "HELP" instead of mofucking "POACHERS"
I thought it was HIS ROOM and not just a random room in the attic(?)
Again I didnt watch the episode very well cuz I was so mad


I also want to point out that in episode 2, when Sonju was telling Ray and Emma about other farms and I was like? Didn't they already know that? Weren't they that smart?

I think Norman was the one who told them that when he scouted out the top of the wall and saw the frickin hectagon of other plantations right? (Or I could be wrong, I havent read the manga in a while)

I mean, when they were escaping wasnt there something about the molotov cocktail bombs too right?? Yeah I havent read the manga in so long and I havent completely seen the entire anime but I'm pretty sure some stuff arent the same

The 1st season was loyal to the manga, just making beautiful differences in conveying the animation and storyline but still sticking too it
( I gotta admit, some parts of the anime were good )

But 2nd season? They're probably mixing shit up... I wish they just went with the manga. I mean, it in an adaptation. I hope they won't try to be original and remove all the good kush

OR at least I hope they give my bunker mans a hot entrance im so desperate and sad
But pls pls pls cloverworks pls give Lucas the entrance he deserves that man is hot straight out da oven wooo

Anyway im still kinda pissed

I was thinking of ranting further but that's too much spoilers

Ok I'm done talking. I hope y'all have a good day.
Ciao simps
Peace out

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