gray + blue • norray

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[ idol au ]

they're young adults here (maybe in college?)


'Thank you so much!'

The young idol waved to his fans after he'd finished his song number. Walking backstage to his dressing room, the light-haired boy wipes a sweat off his brow. He smiles and bows politely to the people working backstage, the usual "Good work today" going around. As soon as he was alone, the smile on his face drops as his eyes move to a letter on the table. It was from his childhood best friend Ray.

Norman had gotten news a little while back that a new face has made a debut in the Idol Industry. Upon finding out that it was a face he hadn't seen in years, he was obviously more than stupefied. Two months after the debut, Norman receives a letter from Ray saying that he recently became an idol. It was weird to have suddenly reconnected, but both boys had unanimously decided on their own that it was, eventually, time to settle things...

'I didn't expect to see you here, Norman.'

'After all these years is that really the first thing you're gonna say to me, Ray?'

Fairly cloudy in the blue sky today. The two idols, off work, met up in a nearby park. A few people held good stares and took pictures but Norman and Ray paid them no mind. They came together for the first time in years to talk once again.

'First off,' Norman trails. 'I hope you know about the new project coming up.'

Ray stuffs his hands in his coat pockets. 'Of course. It was the first thing my manager told me when I woke up today.'

Norman and Ray are solo idols. The talent agencies they work for decided just a while ago to do a collaboration with the boys, seeing that it will spark more attention (especially with the female fanbase on the net) and gain more fans. Plus it'll be a big win for everyone if the concert turns out to be a huge success. For Ray, this is going to be one of his major projects yet.

The dark-haired fellow digs his hands deeper into his pockets. 'So... what else were we supposed to talk about?'

Norman simply smiles, then begins walking. Ray followed suit. Silence overtook squuezed in between them, but it was a nice kind of silence. The one where you have time to think of what to say and you can say it whenever you're ready, which is what Norman did.

'I missed you, Ray.'

They stopped in their tracks. An inner sigh of relief escapes Ray.

'Me too.'

There was a photo shoot the next day, it was a promotional ad for the new project. After that, all the days that passed by were just practice and training. The actual live was a success, and it meant a lot to Norman and Ray. A week after, the two drove out to the outskirts of town where they both grew up. They went to sit at the swingset in a small park, the one place they often went to meet up at sunset. Today, this is now that they would settle things.

'I'll be leaving soon,' Ray frowns.

Norman's fingers intertwined with Ray's. They go quiet for a while. In their minds, the memories of their childhood lingered. There were the moments they let happen, whether by accident or willingly. The foolish little touches, every tiny particle of feelings stuck with them. Yes, they were young back then, but they understood the concept of love.

'Then...' Norman moved closer. 'I hope you won't mind if I do this.'

He leans forward to kiss Ray, something he'd been wanting to do for years now. Ray, albeit surprised, kisses back. It was just like back then, except they only brushed lips when they were younger. They were encouraged by the foolish, lingering traces. There were recallings of a dented bike and looking for a shoe in a ditch, stupidly balancing on ropes and bleeding knees, a familiar townscape and a heavy feeling weighing down. You couldn't see it but it was all there. The kiss ends.

Ray's cheeks flush pink. 'I didn't think that's how we'd settle things.'

'How do you mean?'

'I thought I'd be the one to kiss you first.'

In the end, things were settled. Although they were to part ways once more, Norman and Ray would see each other again soon. They'll keep in touch this time. As Ray left the city to accept an offer, Norman stayed and his popularity continued to grow. He once collaborated with his popular idol friend Emma (she's loved by everyone) and is now living a good life. He still thinks of Ray from time to time, they text each other from time to time as well. Norman's eyes flutter over to the table. There's a new letter from Ray.

The letter read;

Dearest Norman,

Our beginning was blue.

The summer sky, the clear water, the bright spark I saw in your beautiful eyes. It was all blue. The day I met you, I found myself in a world of color where blue stood out the most. It took over my life. Even on the day you left, there was blue. I felt blue.

But then I realized there wasn't any blue, there was only gray. The skies were murky and the ground was muddy, the rain was gray. I felt an empty gray. As I grew up, I noticed other colors around me, but I missed your color the most. After seeing you again for so many years, I felt joy.

I want to thank you for everything.
Thank you for being my best friend.
Thank you for loving me.

No matter how much our heights may change, I hope some things would remain the same.

「Gray, blue; me, you.」

I love you.

Love, Ray.

the end.

(please listen to Kenshi Yonezu i'm literally begging)

also, rate my writing

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