sun guardians • ray//norman

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You were never originally part of their trio. They were the top scorers and the best kids in the orphanage; you weren't. Emma was the bright sun of the morning, Norman was the blue skies of noon, and Ray was the darkness of the night. Often, you were the sombre rain that came at any time of day.

But one thing is for certain... whenever Emma slept, you become the sun guardian. Ray and Norman would be right beside you, the three of children forming a circle that will protect the sun. Not quite literally though. You and Ray found this was a weird thing to do when Norman suggested it one day- and it was actually in the middle of the night. Mama found the sun guardians surrounding Emma as she slept soundly. Inevitably, you three got a scolding.

Although you weren't the bestest of friends with the Grace Field Trio, you somehow manage to stick nearby. When Emma played with the other kids, Norman and Ray would come keep you company. That afternoon, you sat peacefully between the two boys. No words were spoken among the three. Ray and Norman did look at each other as if they were speaking telepathically. You wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they could actually do that. They knew that they loved the kid that sat there in between, and well, they both love you and Emma equally. There was nothing else to say.

And as much as you love Norman and Ray, did you love one more than the other? The answer to this was pondered between the two boys, who decided to put it to the test a few days later.

"Hey, Y/n." Ray was the first one to make a move. "Wanna hear about this new book I found in the library?"

The boy knew you liked hearing about the books that he reads, since you were an avid reader yourself, and your love for books are what you have in common. He'd later let Norman have his own turn, who then taught you techniques of how to quickly catch everyone in a game of tag.

"It's all about listening and looking closely," Norman says.

Ray rolled his eyes at this. At least Norman isn't pretentious. Neither is Ray, thankfully.

Back and forth, both boys invited you to do various activities with them throughout that week. They were attempting to see which one of them did you enjoy spending time with the most. If that even makes a lot of sense...
But before they could pop the question, you got sick. Going down with a fever, Mama isolated you in your room and away from the others. It's wasn't that bad.

The only sad part was when nobody came to visit you at first. Not even Emma. Surely, you wouldn't have expected the "cups attached by a string" treatment, but nonetheless, the silence was comforting. And what a coincidence, it was raining outside.

You later woke up from a nap to find several papers by the door. Finding a bunch of letters and drawings from all the kids, a smile forms on your face. Although you couldn't help but laugh when upon seeing little hearts sketched on the letters from two certain boys.

After you recovered from illness, you rushed out of your room and played again with everyone. At that point in time, something in your brain was telling you that something was wrong. You began to be suspicious of what was going on in Grace Field. You don't know how or why, but maybe there was something in Ray's letter that set it off. Ray and you both knew this wasn't the first time you were skeptical of the orphanage. And so, you spoke to him about this. He explained to you what was going on. In a sense, he wanted to involve you early as for you to not receive too much shock on the situation.

Ray and Norman had forgotten their little game for a while and you all went back to normal. The sun guardians still stuck together, with their lovely sun. However, the rain would come more often than usual, and it was a heavier rain.

Two years later, give or take, the secret of the farm was discovered by Emma and Norman. All the following events leading up to the escape, finding the bunker, going to Goldy Pond, and reuniting with Norman, it was all chaos in your head. The pain was unbearable. The secrets were beyond terrifying. The sun had dimmed, the night was darker, and the middle of the day was still Norman- but it wasn't the same as before.

Having settled down in Norman's hideout, you finally got a chance to talk to Ray and Norman again.

"I see the sun guardians are back together." You sigh as you reminisce the good old days.

Ray snorts. "Don't say it like we're a band that just broke up."

"Aren't we, though?"

You and Ray sat on the couches in Norman's office. Emma was still asleep back in her room.

Norman gently smiles at the two of you. "A band that swore to protect the sun."

"That was your idea. We all knew you were obsessed with Emma."

"I know, Ray. But it wasn't just Emma that I liked..."

The slighty dysfunctional trio enjoyed a few good minutes of silence after the boy's remark. It wasn't long before Norman spoke up again. This time, he had a question.

"Y/n, remember when we were kids? I've been meaning to ask, who did you enjoy spending time with the most?"

You thought about it for a second. Surely, there's only one person you enjoyed hanging out with the most. And of course that person is...


"Wait, what?"

the end.

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