a/n, not too important really

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Hello everyone! I hope you're all mentally wherever you wish to be cuz I'm definitely not

Unfortunately, I'm going to be more busy as February comes. I will be going back to school in person and I will start looking for a job, as well as studying for drivers test

In a few months, I hope I will be graduating along with my friends, and if not then I will surely kill myself rather than fall behind and repeat a year-

Anyway, the point is, I won't be active and available like I used to and I will be putting a stop to oneshots for now but the good news is that I still want to keep writing. Somehow.

So, I was thinking of opening requests for imagines and scenarios
Not oneshots, per se, but shorter pieces of creativity that I can write in my spare time
It can be prose or something similar to flash fiction

How it's gonna work is that I only offer requests for very few and specific characters (I don't want to reread the manga again just to know their mannerisms or whatever dear god)

You guys can request with only three specifics;
1. the character
2. canon setting or modern au (or other au that i can label as available)
3. desired scenario/prompt

If this thing that I'm attempting will turn out to be a success, I will continue it for a while...
If it flops, I'm just gonna put a stop to it

Tell me if you guys think it's a good idea!

I know I won't have the time to write my originals (but I can try) and I won't get to have my old freedom back but I still want to write things for everyone (I'm such a people pleaser)
I hope that one day you guys would still be nearby to support me when/if I make it big

Anyhow, I don't want to prolong this author's note so I'm gonna end it here
Refer back to the request page in the beginning of the book when it'll be updated for the imagines and scenarios requesting to come


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