different beings • leuvis

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Whatever you're thinking, don't say it. I tried my best to make this good...I just hope you all appreciate it. (Also this is gonna be kinda long and I kinda forgot what happened in the whole GP arc but that's fine) (btw not accepting requests anymore)


Y/n is a strange human girl who is always curious and interested in anything she sees. Once something catches her attention, whether it be a sharp object or an unknown creature, she will attempt to approach and make contact with it. If it comes towards her with an attack, she will only dodge and try to touch or talk to it again. She doesn't run away from things that would normally frighten the average person (which is what makes her airheaded) so she's not really afraid of demons. She barely has a concept of fear. And no, that's not called fearlessness, that's called idiocy and an empty brain. Instead of a flight-or-fight response, she has a stand-there-like-an-idiot-and-touch-the-thing response.

The girl was always different compared to normal children and this was noted ever since her birth. Her eyes were two different colors and her pupils are smaller than that of an average human. As a child, she talks a lot and often scares the other children in Goodwill Ridge with manic behavior but uncannily enough, she does score an average in the daily tests. At the age of 9, she was transferred to a facility called Lambda and was tested in isolation for the next several years. Y/n was later disposed of, left to die in Goldy Pond...

There are only 3 rules in Goldy Pond;
1. Music, 2. Monsters, 3. Survive.

The teen managed to survive her first round by sheer dumb luck. She got injured around the second, on account for her running up to Luce and trying to figure out what he was for she had never seen a demon up close. Weeks later, Y/n had encountered all the poachers (except for one) and decided to leave them alone since none of them captured her attention. Lord Bayon was interesting at first, but Y/n thought he was too violently strong for her taste.

Like in the past few days, Y/n sat up on a tree branch high above ground, swinging her legs like a child. The music had just ended, and the weird girl ended up without a single scratch. She'd never bothered to talk to the other people in Goldy Pond- only knowing that they'd find her extremely weird- and she would only go to the infirmary when she was heavily injured. The girl was all on her own, enjoying her time to herself, until a large figure walks by. It's him. The last poacher that Y/n hasn't met yet.

'Hey, you.' She had the nerve to call out.

The demon stops in his tracks. He didn't bother to turn around and look at the source of the voice. The monkey-looking demon on his shoulder looks at the girl on the tree. Something was afoot. What was this idiotic human girl doing?

'Nice monkey. What's his name?'

There was a moment of silence.

'Palvus.' The tall creature gave a hesitant reply. Without warning, Palvus scurries away from the demon's shoulder and up the tree to the human. This made Leuvis turn around, now seeing Y/n pet the monkey. For a split second, this caught him off guard. He regains his composure and quickly calls back his pet. Before anything else could transpire, Leuvis began to walk away. The girl spoke again.

'You're Leuvis, right?'

'That's Grand Duke Leuvis to you.' He says before disappearing completely. Before he was out of earshot, the girl tells him her name as well.

'I'm Y/n, by the way. Just thought you ought to know.'

That was a first. Leuvis hadn't thought he'd let a human talk to him so casually. And he wasn't one to waste his time on hunting orphans, unlike his fellow poachers, so there was no point in killing this one (whether the music was playing or not). But little did he know that he'd be seeing the same annoying girl again tomorrow.

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