i don't mind • don

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a/n: I did it. Just for you guys. My one and only Don oneshot. Enjoy


Who wouldn't like someone who's tall, dark, and handsome, right? This was exactly what you kept telling yourself when you first met Don. You met him through your neighbor, Gilda, who has apparently known the boy since elementary. Although your taste in men (or lack of, because you may like women as well) may vary, it won't change the fact that Don is a good guy and is someone with good intentions.

You and Don are in the same year, along with the batch of freshmen who have yet to face the unknown terrors of high school. Luckily, it was almost spring break for the whole school, and you were already looking forward to getting some well-deserved rest.

"Got any plans for spring break?" You asked the boy sitting next to you, who had a mouthful of his sandwich when he tried to speak. You sighed. "Chew before you speak, Don."

"Sorry." He swallowed his food before talking again. "I don't have any plans but I don't mind hanging out with you."

You gazed at him as he finished up his lunch. For a second, he thought you wanted some of his sandwich too. The school day ended with collective sighs of relief as each student dispersed and went on home. The next day, Don made his way over to your residence, not forgetting to ask permission from his parents and you before heading over.

"Don! You came!" You beamed with joy as you invite him inside.

Looking around, he saw that you actually had a very decent place. Not to mention you cleaned up a bit as soon as you got home. The tall boy went to sit on the couch while you went to get snacks for you and your guest.

"Um, are your parents home?"

"Nope!" You shout from the kitchen.

"Oh." So, he thought, we're alone here... together. "W-why?"

"Business trip."

You come back to the living room, setting down a mini-hoard of snacks from the pantry. You plop down next to Don and grab the remote. He just noticed that you were already in your home clothes; a loose shirt and sweatpants. On the other hand, he had his brown trousers and black shirt on. The boy was glad it wasn't summer yet, there's no telling how he'd react if he saw you in shorts. Don pushed this thought to the back of his mind and mentally slapped himself back to reality.

"From what I remember you told me last week, you've never seen [favorite movie], right?"

"Uh, yeah."

"So that's our first order of business. Sit back, relax, and enjoy."

For the first few minutes, Don couldn't keep his mind still. He couldn't focus on the movie as something in his mind was bugging him. A few minutes more, he gradually sank into the couch and felt like he already lived there. You and Don shared a bowl of popcorn, your hands occasionally almost brushing here and there. Nothing else had happened for the rest of the movie.

"Ah, do you mind if I bring you over to my place tomorrow? I promised my little sister to let her meet you."

"Sure. I don't mind." You gave him a small smile.

The next day, as promised, Don walked with you over to his place. At the door, you meet his adorable little sister who is only 6. Her name? Conny. And she's the most adorable thing you'll ever meet.

"Y/n, this is my sister Conny. Conny, this is my friend Y/n."

"Nice to meet you, Conny!"

She didn't say much, as she was kinda shy at first, but she eventually came around and wanted to play with you and her big brother for the whole day. After falling asleep, you carried little Conny over to Don's bed. He watched with soft eyes as you covered little Conny with the blanket and kissed her forehead as if she was your own child.

"She's a wonderful little girl." You tell Don as you two walk to his couch.

"Yeah." He smiles. "I love her more than anything."

You two fell silent, the clock went on ticking and minded its own business. It had just struck 4 pm.

"Are your parents home?" You asked this time.

"No." He shook his head. "They won't be home until after 10."

"What about dinner? What will you and Conny eat?"

"I can whip up whatever we have in the fridge."

"You can cook?"

"Yeah!" He grinned at you, you guessed he was really proud of being able to do that.

And your heart definitely skipped a beat.

After a few more discussions here, you unfortunately decided it was time to head home. The boy didn't mind; he had the rest of the break to hang out with you. He stood up first from the couch, offering a hand to help you up. But before you could take it, Don feels a push at the back of his knees and he finds himself falling on top of you. On the couch. You both hear a giggle and the footsteps of a small criminal run back to the room.

"Conny!" Don whipped his head back.

He was looking slightly concerned as he called out to his sister. Looking back down at you, he tried to ask if you were alright, but note that he couldn't talk because of the position you were in. You couldn't even hear yourself think. If you looked up now, you'd definitely come in contact with his eyes and you were too embarrassed to even move.

"A-Are you ok? Y/n?"

You were probably blushing like a madman.


"I'm sorry." He got up from what is now the couch of awkwardness, and fixed himself. "I don't know what's gotten into her."

By the time he helped you up, you also noticed he was blushing. Falling onto a couch of awkwardness can do things to people. Without another word, you prepared yourself to leave his house and melt back at your place. He didn't try to stop you, but he did offer if you could stay for dinner or if he could walk you home. Technically, he tried to stop you either way. But that only made it more awkward. In the end, you walked home as fast as you can, rushed to your room and melted on the floor. You got a text from Don that night, asking if it was alright if the two of you could hang out again. You smile and text back.

"I don't mind."


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